Note to self: Try rewatch an episode before
writing meta about it. Because I rewatched "Anne" this morning, and it's even better than I remembered. In fact, I can say that it and "Bargaining" are my favorite season openers (Note to everyone else: I cannot get the lj cut tag to work, in either rich text or html, even after much effort. So I
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if living as Slayer means an endless fight, the secret wish would be to cease to fight, to find peace. Giving up on battling everytime and find some space to rest. Except that this, for a Slayer, means death because a Slayer must be always prepared (Kendra!).
I understand what you mean now. (Kendra is an excellent point. And the only "rest" Faith got was in a coma - caused by Buffy. ouch.)
I think that Buffy can embrace fighting and resting only in Season Seven, when she understand how it's done living, basically.
I dare say that it's own journey entirely, and one she's just beginning. I think Giles had it wrong when he said in Tabula Rasa "Your mother taught you everything you need to know about life" (what parent ever can?) but that's just Giles being Giles, hiding emotional connections beneath logic and reason because he can't manage the deeper connections. He can be her Watcher but not her father when she needs him to be in S6.
That's why the Slayer Spell is supposed to free her (and Faith) of course.
It's really the hardest thing and maybe I'm projecting my issues on Buffy, but I feel that she also find it very hard.
Very much so. The hardest thing in this world IS to live in it, even without the Slayer burdens.
I'm gonna be incredibly shallow now because oh my gosh, she's freaking hot! She's fucking beautiful and I want to kiss her so bad! >O<
I really have the most biggest crush on the woman, it's fine. I just wish she'll found another tv show to see her some more.
Yes, she's just at the beginning. (As I am! :D) I wish the comics had done a more decent job especially because of that.
I wish the comics had done a more decent job especially because of that.
Scrub that junk from your mind and read angearia's epic WIP version of S8, "Thought You Should Know" instead; or rebcake's post-Chosen, pre-NFA, "Whose Torment Is this Anyway?" (I could name several other fics but I'll start there for now.)
Confession - I started dipping into Chapter 3 of The Queen last night (ooh, Willow!) and was enjoying Willow very much so I need to go back to the beginning!
I hope you enjoy the story. Willow is so cool, she's a goddess!
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