And by the way did I happen to mention....? (Or, what do you do when the spirit doesn't move you?)

Apr 25, 2014 00:12

1) That otherworldlyric extended it's current icon challenge  #170 for one week (aka, until Friday the 25th) because there was only one entry? Normally I'm begging for extensions on these challenges so I should be all over that, except...the prompt is George Thoroughgood's "Bad to the Bone"and I'm not moved or inspired in any dimension. This is probably another case of "familiarity breeds contempt" - and in this case, possibly testosterone poisoning. I've read the lyrics multiple times trying to find inspiration to subvert it, to remove it from the familiar context - and I only need two consecutive words from the lyrics. Gotta be something I can do with it:

was born

the day

to the

bad to

before I

woman beg

girl squeal

tell ya

Nope, I'm just not feeling it this time around. But maybe some of y'all can find what I'm missing and embarrass me with your brilliance.  (I'll just be over here washing down the aftertaste of testosterone with a bottle of estroge....and a Samuel Smith's organic double chocolate stout for a chaser.)

2) That my my recent post after a longish absence (moving! packing! tired! busy! Excuses: get your red hot excuses!) has over 100 comments in the thread, which is funny and wonderful because I thought no one would respond to it that silly thing. My f'listies are made of awesome. Further proof? Y'all made Vastra and Jenny a part of my life. Victorian interspecies lesbian detectives? Samuri swords and bifurcated tongues? BEHOLD THE AWESOME WHICH IS, WAS, AND EVER SHALL BE.

Either I need to do more polls, or I need to talk about Orphan Black and interspecies lesbians more often. Maybe both. Speaking of OB, did I also mention....

3) ....that I forgot to credit the lovely eilowyn for encouraging me to watch Orphan Black, which is my New Favorite Thing. Because she said kind and loving words that flattered my soul and she's one of my personal heros and role models - one of my real life Buffy's - so how could I resist? My first reaction to the pilot was "Ringer meets Dollhouse." But much, much better.

4) And that I've only seen the first three episodes of S1 and Tatiana is my New Favorite Actress and Cosima is my New Favorite Character - along with Felix. (Felix is LOVE.) And that Cosima is[Spoilers for Orphan Black...]*BIG SPOILER FOR OB* a lesbian and my heart is EXPLODING WITH JOY. (And OMG what the hell is that - not who, what - at the end of S1 ep 3? the bleached blond who looks like a cross between an anime villain and a prehistoric leviathan? What is this even?)

6) Even BIGGER explosion: kikojutsuka (aka lanoyee ) linked to a Reddit convo with OB creators Graeme Manson and John Fawcett, and Graeme said this: "The Cophine relationship, we really loved anyway and to see it get that much support and to see that people thought that it was an important relationship to be on TV made us want to continue it and bolster it. And yeah, why the hell is that? Why do lesbian characters always die in TV? RIP Tara."

Oh fuck YES and THANK YOU FOR GETTING IT, Mr Manson. And thank you for honoring Tara.

Now I've got a serious hankering for some crossover fic.  And hey, speaking of crossover fic...

7) clockwork_hart1 is accepting/filling multi-fandom fic prompts - femmeslash, gen, het, threesomes, you name it - and knocking it OUT OF THE PARK every single time. She has stories for fandoms and characters I'm not at all familiar with, or characters I am but wouldn't ship together otherwise except her writing is so lovely and universal in moods and themes, so evocative/poignant/sexy/funny/yummy that it doesn't matter. I can think of exactly three other times I've experienced that in fanfiction, and the other times were some ten years ago.

8) FYI: when your heart explodes with joy, hardwood floors are a lot easier to clean up than rugs or "vintage" linoleum. Trust.

f is for feminist, comm: otherworldlyrics, fandom: btvs, pairing: jenny/vastra, l is for lesbian, share the love, interspecies victorian lesbians rule, links, my flist is awesome, fandom: doctor who, fandom: orphan black, char: tara maclay, fic recs

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