Quick quick now!

Mar 20, 2014 21:21

1) The deadline is tomorrow, Friday the 20th at midnight for  both otherworldlyric challenge #166 , "Easy Way Out" by Gotye, and slayerstillness challenge 20 "Love Song for a Vampire. More entries are needed - and I'm sitting both of these out, so don't look at me. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the pretties this time around ( Read more... )

comm: slayerstillness, comm: otherworldlyrics, a little bird told me, fandom: btvs, icon challenge, tumblr, someone linked to me oh my

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Re: (pt 2) red_satin_doll March 23 2014, 20:21:54 UTC
I played with the boys after that because they had become easier to write

I think that relates to what drove the first Star Trek fanfic Kirk/Spock shippers - they wanted to write about interesting characters and relationships, but there were no interesting female characters to be found. So they subverted canon.

Nowadays there ARE rich, interesting female characters but they are not being written in fandom about to the extent that the guys are.

I challenged myself to write it and then became addicted to studying their complexities in a way that I hadn't felt with the boys and hence why now they're more dear to my heart.

I think I'm "lucky" (?) in that I never had to make that "translation" or mental leap. The ladies were ALWAYS were it was at for me. The opposite is the hard part for me - I'm not anti-guy, I have brothers and uncles and male friends and I love them. But the interest just isn't there for me.

Surrogate father-daughter relationships are an exception: Doctor #7 and Ace, Satine and Zidler, Jordan Cavenaugh and Garret Macy (Garret is one of the few male characters I really love), Buffy and Giles.


Re: (pt 2) clockwork_hart1 March 23 2014, 20:43:01 UTC
It wasn't that the girls were less interesting to me, but more that they were challenging because they were so rich and diverse, I didn't want to fuck it up and I already HAD the experience writing the guys. I just found them even more entrancing as I explored them. i never thought I'd love Dawn and her facets in the way I do now if I hadn't started writing her - and I'm so glad I did. Thinking about it, all of the spuffy shippy fic I have written is all about character exploration and the smaller moments between them that I fell in love with.

Also, that. Icon is fully of beauty oh my god.


Re: (pt 2) red_satin_doll March 23 2014, 23:29:39 UTC
I was terrified to write - or write about - Buffy because I didn't think I could do her justice, fully wrap my hands and my mind around her complexity, that I couldn't because I had too big of a Buffy-shaped blindspot, etc. I'm not sure that I've ever "got her right" or that I'll ever post the fic I've written since last September.

Also, that. Icon is fully of beauty oh my god.

It's been around for several years - I don't know who made it, but penny_lane_42 was using it, and I had one spot left and HAD to snag it. It was time to bring it back out of the closet IMO.

Whoever gave me the paid account has no idea what they've done. Once upon a time I was content with 15 icons. Now 32 isn't enough - I WANT MORE, MORE DAMNIT! *lol*


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