Voting in
Round 28 of the SunnyD Awards ends June 30th, so hurry over, check it out and
cast your ballets now. Quite a lot of
the stories and authors were entirely new to me and I would never have known about otherwise, which is one of the best things about these fanfic awards.
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Stole? No way! I was hoping that other people would feel free to do just this, thanks for the additional recs. I couldn't begin to read everything - the same thing happened the last round, which was the first ones I'd ever heard of.
I didn't mention "My Life Closed Twice" because I like what I've read of it - were you the one who first rec'd it to me? I think you might have been almost a year ago - but I can't claim to have read the whole thing, so that doesn't seem fair if that makes sense? (I've read the last couple of chapters three times, though. I'm weird that way.)
I'm trying to remember if I've read "Well...I Sing." everytime I think I've read everything of BMB's (or of BGF's) I discover I haven't. What is UP with these prolific writers, making the rest of us look bad? ;)
'Paternity Suit' by Shapinglight is horrifying and wonderful. 'Vampires in the Caribbean' by Goldenusagi was also amusing and creepy... Darla's just scary, I guess. I'll have to check these out. I haven't read much ( ... )
In terms of nominations you're probably right, and it may be my hang up. Trying to behave myself a little as the "new girl in class". Afraid of not fitting in - I still tend to ask "is this ok?" a lot. I'm getting bolder though, I think? Like, ok, this is my fandom too, and I've already gotten scolded and had bizarre accusations lobbed at me, but also lots of hugs and support so.
I suppose it's so the people you didn't nominate don't feel left out, especially if they're friends? But my criteria for nominating authors involves finding quality unknown, new, or fringe authors. And I don't think it's a secret I'm very picky about what I read, so... What's the polite way of saying this?But there's no way to nominate everyone is there? Not in a fandom with so much creativity and output. And there are people who every reader will prefer for various reasons - or who are just objectively better writers IMHO ( ... )
I left categories blank too - I won't read slash or songfic, so there's no way I can choose one. But I always try every Spuffy nomination, and all of the quickie and humor nominations, just to be as fair in my choices as possible.
Yes, the poetry stuff in My Life.... was wonderful. She's a wonderful writer (and a very nice person) who can wring your heart out in a way few others can. I think nominating older fics and authors who newbies may not know about is an excellent idea. I may think about doing that in future rounds. :)
When it comes to "NC-17" or m/m slash I just "walk on by"; again, except if I know the author. Is it unfair? Maybe. When I was a little girl I honestly believed that AMPAAS voters saw every single movie that was released that year before voting on the Oscars. Hey, I was eight years old. Turns out a member might have seen exactly one movie, or based their votes on the first 10 minutes of something.
I don't know if there is such a thing as totally "fair". For the Absence of Light awards I was a judge and we each got a category (two people shared some of the major categories), and so we had to read every story in the category, so that's a bit more fair, and we had sort of of chart - specific things we had to judge the story on (from technical stuff - grammer - to characterization to plot), but at the end of it our choices are still subjective. I assume my choices are "obviously" the superior ones - except they're not to someone else, and vice versa.
I think nominating older ( ... )
>The Spuffy sites were easier because I'd usually already read most of the fics nominated. Alas, those days are gone forever... :)
I've only been in fandom a year and in terms of most Spuffy fic I'm already "bored, now." But maybe that's what comes of having 10+ years of fanfic at my disposal.
While there are some truly amazing stories still being written now, if I saw a category full of less-than-amazing stories, I would be sorely tempted to stick in an oldie or two just so readers could see what really good is.HAH. Oh that's a good point. (And then we'll chase those whippersnappers off the lawn, right? Damn I am getting crochety in my old age ( ... )
Exactly - it's one of those wonderful problems to have. Almost every category in the SunnyD awards this time was fairly easy for me except one and I AGONIZED over it. Again, good problem - I want the fic to be that good.
I think thats part of the reason I like fic recs, or things like the Buffyverse Top 5 site. You can list favorite stories without having to rate them numerically. (I know people who love to make lists, like Nathaniel Rogers and his The Film Experience blog, but it doesn't come naturally to me.)
That's part of what I like about the Absence of Light Awards. It's based on a certain set of criteria, which doesn't mean we all agree on what's best even then, but for me at least it made me examine WHY I like or disliked a given story more carefully.
And here is where I remind myself that everybody is just trying their best and having fun, and there's no need to be such a *snob* about it.
Well why not? *ducks flying tomatoes* Remember back in the day when at most we got to share our writing with a few friends, assuming it didn't end up in a dresser drawer? The internet allows the world to have access to your work and that's heady stuff. But I think some people are more selective (read: insecure) about the value of their work, sometimes to a fault; on the other extreme you have people who think every damn word they write is precious.
Yes, I have often been accused of being an intellectual snob as well, but that attitude came directly from ( ... )
I'm not sure that was the original intention? But that's what it's become. it highlights the fact that there are almost no outright gay characters and almost all same sex shipping is non-canonical by necessity.
I wouldn't consider W/T slash, but W/Buffy would be. Spike/Angel is border slash for me...but Spike/Xander? Definitely slash.Your definition hinges on canonical or non-canonical, if I'm reading correctly; but I don't think that's the general definition? there's still a problem in that, or at least for me as a "lesbian" (yes, I know that's still a label) because I've lived with my relationship not being considered not as "real" or legitimate (morally or legally) as if I were with a man. Whereas I'm fine with canon/noncanon, and Smut/Romance as categories. Those apply to any pairing ( ... )
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