When it comes to BtVS, I'd promised myself that I would not write on my own journal here about subjects that are generally quite well-worn and have been discussed at length - and with great intellegence - by other people. Nevermind that I'll rant or blather at length about a variety of subjects (the comics, the episode AYW, etc etc) on other people
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But if you look close, you can see where they were doing setup for a possible Dawn spinoff early in the season (all that back to high school stuff, giving her a gang of friends who were never sean again), and a Slayer school spinoff mid-season. But the network didn't bite, and the season went careening off in sixteen other directions.
*nods* I liked early S7, and thought that more would come of the high school setting; I thought the exploited both the differences and the samenesss of Dawn's new school to Buffy's old one. And I really thought they were going to make more of it, of Dawn's new friends, and so forth.
I was sorry they killed off Cassie, I thought she was an interesting character, and nicely played by Azura Sky. (Apropos of nothing, I'd swear that she was also the actress who played the leader of the campus coven in Hush, but now I think it might be Brooke Bloom? they certainly look very similar to me.)
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