In black and white and living color: Check out Whedon Elite's latest challenge!

May 11, 2016 18:08

And while you're looking at whedon_elite Challenge 143 (deadline May 15), check out the entries that have been submitted so far by sweet_lyri, emmatheslayer, and lookslikerain here, here and here respectively. Everyone is bringing their A-game.

I hope to get something submitted but I'm helping get ready for my sweetie's upcoming exhibition so I may not be able to. Real life gets in the way and all  that jazz. Speaking of which, I apologize for being behind on finishing awards banners for Challenge 142, and also for episodes20in20 Round 5. They are in the works.  In the meantime congratulations to Challenge 142 winners sweet_lyri, nmcil12 and emmatheslayer (whose technique and artistry are growing by leaps and bounds lately, if I may say so.) And congratulations to Round 5 winners crucified, gabby227, and sandy79!
Last but not least THANK YOU to everyone who voted for my icons at btvsats20in20 Round 17 and THANK YOU to tempertemper for the gorgeous little gems of the awards banners she made us! Congratulations to the other winners crazycordy, vanishingspirit, sweet_lyri and debris4spike!

comm: episodes20in20, comm: whedon_elite, pimping, fandom: btvs, real life gets in the way, nominations/awards, icon challenge, comm: btvsats20in20

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