Oct 09, 2010 03:04
- 10:08:17: AHHHHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD #Microsoft BAD!!! http://bit.ly/b85C2U leave #Adobe alone NOW!!
- 10:23:23: @ DeeJayDragon speaking as an Adobe developer they aren't actually to bad tbh. I wish people would stop bashing companies for the sake of it
- 10:31:13: @ DeeJayDragon so because of that it dictates your opinion of the entire company and their software products? do you use any others?
- 18:30:45: Mental Note: PureMVC IS NOT Cairgon #epicfail
- 19:33:47: @ chapcalledjules WHY do you go via Paddington? Quicker from WAT to BSK no?
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