Nov 19, 2004 23:44
I don't miss things. Sometimes, in dreams, I think I do. I remember the taste of an apple, or the feel of sunshine, or bushing my hair and looking at my reflection whilst doing so. But that isn't me anymore. That was wimpy-Willow. I'm powerful. Without apples, sunlight or mirrors, I am powerful. I can feel the energy all through me, and even though my blood doesn't run like it should, I can feel the ghost of it through my viens. Power, yeah, that's what it is.
Daylight is so... dreary. Locks us up, keeps us from being what we are. We feel tired, or lazy, or frustrated. But at night? At night I get to dance. And I get to kill. I really, really like it when they scream. This town is ours, all ours. Xander and I have oh so much fun. I looked at a photograph of us, back then, you know, when we weren't vamps. I lost it, I think, but I doubted myself then. That was in the early days. Those days are over now.
"Here kitty kitty kitty." She was so frightened. Her fear is like copper, like blood. Mine, all mine. Made me giggle. The night air was so cool, so is my skin, but she's warm. That's all I think about. She's running while I just stroll around. I hurt her, I think, because there was an edge of panic to her fear, like rust on a dagger. A brief game of cat and mouse followed, she made me run, that bitch. My hair was brushed all nice before, so I'd have to do it all over again. I caught her by her own hair, told her so, told her what she would make me do. And then I ripped her throat out.
"You're so gorgeous," he said, and I dropped her, fangs feeling too big for my mouth, makeup smeared with blood. He lit a cigarette, smiled at me. "So sexy, baby."
"Mmhm. I shoulda saved some for you, I didn't know you were watching."
"I'm always watching." My Xander gestured me forward and I came, into his arms and he ravished my mouth like we'd done so many times before. The bodies of 18-year-olds, with eternity in front of us. Ain't unlife grand?