May 07, 2011 15:48
So, obviously I've been failing pretty hard at using LJ for a while. ...You haven't really missed anything, assuming you don't have me on Facebook.
*) I've been back and forth between here and Stevens Point a few times. I am mad with the power of being able to drive myself places.
*) I've only bought two books since December. One was The Wise Man's Fear and thus a worthy transgression. The other was on sale and so wasn't that much of a transgression. They were like, half a transgression each -- so only one transgression. (Shush.)
*) I finished the third draft of the Baker Project.
*) I got a caster board.
*) I'm sleeping up in the attic again.
*) I went to an anime convention in February.
...You are now, basically, all caught up on what I've been doing. Yeah, I have no life.