a gun rant or, fuck the nra.

Dec 21, 2012 17:31


i am seriously considering moving to a european country after my parents pass away. i will not raise children in a country that wants to put fucking armed guards at every school.

i can't even comprehend the fucking people that think that it is their right to own and use military style assault weapons.

it's not your fucking right. you know what you had the right to own when that amendment was written? a fucking musket that might be able to get off one or two shots in a minute if you were REALLY fast to reload. not 30 rounds. two. TWO.

you know what would happen if i owned a gun? i'd end up shooting some asshole for being a dickhole. really, that's what would happen at some point. and i say that as someone who has zero criminal history and no mental health problems to speak of.

it amazes me that if i had the money to do so, i could go out and buy 10 assault rifles. right now. short waiting period then BAM i have a small arsenal.

WHY SHOULD I BE ABLE TO OWN THAT SHIT? There should be no way that I should be able to obtain a gun of any kind. but apparently, it is my right to own a gun. so that's cool. you know, the 2nd Amendment doesn't specify that right to bear guns. it says arms. so where the fuck is my nuclear bomb? where is my case of grenades? i'd prefer those over guns and they're considered arms so why can't i have those. oh, because they're incredibly dangerous and insane to own. just like assault rifles.

california has the most restrictive gun control laws in the country, which is great for me. arizona, oregon, and nevada do not. you know what they ask you when you  cross the border back into california? "did you bring and fruits with you across the border?" FRUITS. not guns. fruits. they don't even check your car for illegal shit that you might have obtained in the next state over.

there are more laws and requirements to be able to drive a car than there are to purchase and own a gun and ammunition. why should you be able to buy a gun without such a thing as a gun license? nobody blinks and eye when you need a license to drive a car. why shouldn't you need a license to own and operate a gun? why should you not have to take gun education like you do driver education? why should you not have to have liability insurance if you own a gun? or have your guns tracked in a huge database? and have to pay registration fees and renewals?

also, it's not illegal black market guns that are being used for these insane mass shootings. they are almost all legally obtained weapons. i'm really not worried about some gangster drug lord shooting me in the head. i'm worried about some insane sociopath that takes 3 of his mother's guns and shooting up the shopping center. or my nephew's preschool.

and while billy bob hickston might be a lovely, law abiding gun owner, sociopath billy bob hickston junior might be a crazy sociopath who might one day steal some guns from his dad and shoot up a school. you know what would stop that from happening? preventing law abiding billy bob hickston from owning guns himself. not placing an armed guard in front of every school in america. because sociopath billy bob hickston junior isn't going to get his guns from the black market like these crazy NRA fucks say. he's not. these mass shooters are getting their guns and shit either legally themselves (there are plenty of sociopaths that don't have any documented mental health problems on their medical history )or stealing them from their family members or friends.

i am so enraged and saddened at the state of america.
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