Hey folks,
Lets see to start with I am still a touch sick, been fighting a sinus thing for the last few days. Hence the taking the day off and having the time to write a long entry and catch up a whole lotta things I have been meaning to say. (Our team leader at work sent me home Friday with "You look and sound terrible and I don't want anyone to catch what you have")
So here I am on a Monday morning feeling icky and waiting for medication to take effect and render me well not unconscious, but much more likely to take a nap.
Any how, I'll put the full details under the cuts.
My plans for a new system - at 1 piece a month, end of the month after EVERYTHING else is done
700 Watt Modular power supply (preferable one that fits in my current case as it is without having to make serious case mods. Not that I can't or won't make case mods. Just a pain-in-the-ass to do it now because I am using that case at the moment)
AMD dual core 64 4200 CPU (Although not totally stuck on the idea of a AMD CPU and motherboard right now that seems to be the most bang for the buck)
BFG Tech 590 SLI motherboard
1 gb of DDR2 800 RAM
BFG nVidia 7950GT Video card (Having dealt with a bunch of different hardware vendors over the years I REALLY like these guys. BFG tech gives 24x7 tech support and priority replacement plus lifetime support makes these guys one of my favorite vendors)
1 gb of DDR2 800 RAM (yeah thats correct - a second gb of RAM)
BFG nVidia 7950GT Video card (yep a second video card as well for SLI wooot!)
NVidia TV Card (Why? Because it kicks ass to be able to watch TV on one monitor while doing other stuff on the other monitor. Not to mention having your own mini-Tivio at your beck and call)
XP 64-bit Professional for an OS *maybe* (No FUCKING way am I gonna mess with Vista)
I really prefer the nVidia over the ATI video cards not so much on the hardware-price-performance thing but rather having to deal with the drivers for said beasties. After having to rebuild a system after having a ATI driver crash so ugly that only a re-install would fix it. I just don't wanna go there again.
What I am NOT buying don't need any Hard drives - I will have 2 40 gb SATA drives for the OS (mirrored) and a 250 gb IDE drive for data. Won't need a DVD+R drive - use my current one. Same for monitors-mouse-keyboard. Sound card - use the one built into the motherboard, ditto for Network card.
The usual hardware moves after that - Gina gets my old parts to upgrade her system and her parts...? Have to figure that out later. I am sure something will come to me.
I had one of those late-night-just-before-going-to-sleep epiphanies.
Why I am Progressive, Liberal, Independent. Because in the long run Conservative *always* lose. Think about it.
Read today that Microsoft is making a new Wing Commander game. Wing Commander was a game that made me want to go out and own my own computer NOW and upgrade it frequently to keep up with the demands of the software. Then Microsoft acquired the license to the Wing Commander series back when and sat on it hard.
Now they are making a new game to utilize all the new tech that has come out in the last 7 years - but they are making it for the Xbox. ARRRGGGGHHHH you can't possibly make a good flight sim for a game controller. WHY! WHY! must you hurt us like that?
Also they acquired back when Shadowrun and Mechwarrior Licenses and promptly sat on those as well. Now they are making a Shadowrun game as a First Person Shooter Clone - all that potential for a Quake clone. Whats worse is that it will be for the Xbox (at least at first) too.
I gotta hate Microsoft for acquiring all that top shelf material and then wasting it to try an push folks for their little game console
I'd love to go back to the guys that came up with the idea for this and explain to them in excruciating detail (using a rusty spoon to highlight the points) about how STUPID the whole thing is. I am sorry but we live in a 24 x 7 world, what time it is has much less impact on what we do and when we do it, then in the past. I.e. how much energy is really saved I think is very questionable. But how much PAIN-IN-THE-ASS trying to patch systems to figure out this change is quite easy - say around 15 minutes for every-friggen-server in the US. (okay minus all the Linux servers) Still a lot of work for something that is pretty much unproven. I think any possible gains the US might have gotten from this have been canceled out by all the extra work it required.