Interesting conversations at the club this evening.
kalisagalina was suprisingly excited about my prototype for the next flyer. I found people randomly walking up to me to get introduced as she pointed me out as the person that designed it. Very odd sensation. I'm designing a tiny one tomorrow to make about eight million copies of, a fraction of which will be ready for the art show tomorrow night at J&B, hosted by
bollweevil1. I am still debating whether or not to dig out some of my poetry to read. I have some very political things that were written back around the last election that got tossed in a box due to my frustration with people's tendency to accuse me of unpatriotic views when I was actually expressing an intense love and faith in the original vision the Founders, a vision that has been clouded and corrupted in the some two and a quarter centuries since the Revolution. I think I may try to find the one on flag burning. That pissed more people off than anything else I have ever written. I hope I still have a copy of it.
Discussed with someone I met at the club this evening the amazing simplicity of networking in this town, the way everyone is connected to everyone else, that everything needed is readily found if one is willing to look; I am amazed that this phenomenon unique to the Dirt City has never before been utilized.
This is the place; this is the time.