Title: All in Good Taste
red_rahlRating: G
Pairing/Character(s): Arthur/Eames
Warning: None, unless chibis alarm you.
Materials Used: Photoshop, Tablet.
Notes: I consider this as my Inception chef/coffee/baking!AU cliche thing, in dedication to all the delicious, amazing AUs out there that have to do with baking/cooking/chefs/waiters/etc. With chibis. Thanks to Chief and the peeps who looked this over for me.
-Some of the chef/coffee/baking!AU's that helped to inspire this dorkiness, especially
Maillard Reaction ,
I Have Nothing Better to do Today but Smile (the ultimate coffee!AU), and
sirona_gs and
Love in the time of Marmite, all of which are indescribably delicious (as I'm sure you well know)!!!
Click on the preview to go to the comic!:
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