Preface: So, as you may know, I've been really getting into
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!!! Link is to the first episode!
In fact, I'm so into the new MLP cartoon show that I got inspired to draw all the Inception characters as ponies! However, I certainly can't proceed without giving some major props and credit to the amazing, incredible, and utterly fabulous
aredblush and her magnificent
Inception Ponies!!! Those ponies are based off of the earlier Generation ponies (and are, by far, way more marvelous than what I've done below). I credit her genius for a bunch of the color choices and most of the cutie mark choices!
I based much of the design for my ponies on the current generation of MLP. Like the big dork that I am, I have reasons as to why I chose unicorn/pegasus/earth pony for each character, which I'll go into someday (whenever I get to the in-depth character sheets). @3@
But for now, I give you...
Title: My Little Pony: Inception is Magic
red_rahlRating: G
Characters/Pairings: All the Inception team (including the Mark)
Warnings: None, other than the crack that is MLP.
Thanks to: Chief, who helped me to further pick out colors for all the ponies and helped look everyone over for me! Also, thank you so much to
aredblush and
loobeeinthesky for their kindness.
Artist Notes: This is more a character sheet for me to reference as I try to come up with adventures for these ponies to go on. The file stayed open for a long while as I tinkered and tinkered with it. Stopping now or I'll never stop! (SO MANY PONIES!!!)
Preview Pic:
Link to:
My Little Pony: Inception is Magic