Two mini Inception comics (one chibi, one not)!

Mar 05, 2011 06:30

Finally getting around to the backlog of Inception fest pieces that I worked on over the winter. These were both pinch hits for dream_exchange's Inception Slash Exchange Fest 2010. *flails and faceplants*

Pinch hit # 1 (the mini Chibi comic)

Title: Of Departures and Arrivals
Author/Artist: red_rahl
Rating: PG-13
Total word count: ???
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Eames, unrequited!Arthur/Cobb
Warnings: None. Just chibi goodness!
For: Pinch hit for dream_exchange's Inception Slash Exchange Fest 2010
Summary: With the successful completion of Inception, Arthur must now find out how to move on.
Author's/artist's notes: My sincerest appreciation, as always, for the hardworking mods!!! I had fun with duare's prompts. It was fun to do something a bit more srs than my usual fare when working with chibis. Also, Chibi!Eames will never stop being the boss of me and chibi dimples are not as simple as you would think. XD
Beta(s): Chief

Link to comic!

Pinch hit # 2 (the mini sleepy comic)

Title: Go to Sleep, Mister
Author/Artist: red_rahl
Rating: PG (possibly NWS)
Total word count: ???
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Eames
Warnings: None, just men snuggling.
For: Pinch hit for dream_exchange's Inception Slash Exchange Fest 2010
Summary: What Arthur needs for a good night's rest.
Author's/artist's notes: Honestly, the patience of the wondrous mods just boggles my brain, so this one was for them.
- I also realize that it could be taken as what happens to the boys' relationship after the first comic, so I think I'll run with that. *rolls around in the fluff, dear gawd*
Beta(s): Chief, B

Link to comic!

rated pg, fests why do you haunt me, inception, arthur/eames, rated g, arthur loves specificity, eeeeaaammmmeeessss, comic, chibis

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