Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Jan 05, 2012 11:32

Just saw the second Sherlock Holmes movie recently. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT♥

Watching this Sherlock Holmes movie is like watching a favourite slash fanfiction come to life on the big screen. OTP♥

The slashiness was just so THERE that I don't even need my Yaoi Goggles to see it. The banter, the close contacts, the banter, the soulful stares, THE BANTER.

But that's not to say that I didn't love the female characters. I love Irene Adler and Mary Morstan too. OT4? XD The only part that I didn't like about the movie was Irene's... you know. T___T She was badass! Beautiful and dangeroussss WHY OH WHYYYY??!!!

...Anyway, I just remember giggling to myself when Watson grabbed the cigar from Holmes's (is that apostrophe usage correct?) mouth and put it in his own. INDIRECT KISS LOL XD

"Watson, lie with me." ♥

And the heartbreak in Watson's eyes every time Holmes seemed to die. SELFISH BASTARD INDEED...

Did I mention I love their banter? XD

And I really love that scene when Holmes took down Moriarty with him and the last person he saw was Watson and as he went down he closed his eyes because Watson's face was the last thing he wanted to see before he died. ♥ OTP hearts;

And they danced togetherrrrrr.

"I thought you'd never ask."

And it wasn't awkward and it was romantic.

"Who taught you how to dance?"
"You did."

Cue shy affectionate smile.

Happy sigh.

Other than the hoyay, I love the camera work and cinematography. The scene in the forest was brilliant! Sometimes I get bored watching a chase scene where with all the chaos I can't keep track of what's happening but the forest scene was amazinggggg.

And the PONY. The SATANIC PONY is my hero. Steadily cantering own slowly. "Germany's not going to run away." XD

Stephen Fry as Mycroft, OMG YES XD
Although... poor Mary.

I love Moriarty and Sebastian Moran. Both are magnificent bastards and magnificent dragons. TvTropes terms. A little. Moran is so badass when he shoots. And Moriarty is just so evillll.

I really want there to be a sequel although ending it at this point is also good storyline-wise I suppose.


sherlock holmes, fangirling

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