Fan Account: A-Nation 2011/8/27

Aug 30, 2011 03:03

So here's my fan account for A-Nation 2011/8/27!

Firstly, I apologize for the X-Japan and Tohoshinki bias. And my tendency to ramble and randomly fangirl.

After going to A-Nation 2009 and A-Nation 2010, there are certain things I've learned to expect to happen.

No.1 A-Nation will be HOT. And I don't mean the atmosphere will be charged or anything, I mean the weather will be so humid and hot and if you got tickets to the seats on the side of Ajinomoto Stadium where the sun hits, you are going to be sweaty and tired and possibly get heat stroke. That's what happened during my A-Nation 2010 and believe me I wasn't feeling too well after the whole thing. Well, I mean, I FELT GREAT BECAUSE OF THE PERFORMANCES but I was woozy from thirst and heat.

So, luckily for me, this year's A-Nation was cloudy. To be more accurate, the weather report said that there was a 70% chance of rain which would not be good for the performers and the people sitting in the Arena seats. So, the cloudiness actually helped in making us all feel comfortable during the concert.

Anyway, unlike last year where I went REAL EARLY in the morning and waited in line, I decided to relax and go later. I only planned on buying 1 uchiwa(fan) and I know even if those were sold out in the outdoor goods shop, there'd still be some inside the stadium itself.

So off to Tobita-kyu station and the trek towards Ajinomoto stadium. Tohoshinki fans were EVERYWHERE, displaying their Bigeast towels proudly. Great thing about the weather too, it didn't kill us as much to drape a towel over our shoulders. So with my Secret Code bag, my T Tour T-Shirt and my Bigeast towel, I wandered around Ajinomoto stadium.

The stalls for HoMin goods. Just like JYJ last year, they had the most stalls. I was repeating to myself, You only need one uchiwa. ONE uchiwa. Don't overspend!. And then I saw something that wasn't on the goods list in the A-Nation site.

A Changmin file-set with a picture of Changmin half taking his shirt off and showing his abs.

Well that does it. I need that.

omg i have no self-control.

While I was waiting in line, Superstar started blaring on the radio. SUPERSTAR SUPERSTAR♥

Didn't expect to see a giant Pikachu when I wandered around but there you have it. A giant Pikachu. And the ears MOVE.

And then Suzuki Ami appeared on one of the smaller stages around the food stalls and the MC was interviewing her and people around me were going, "SUZUKI AMI??? REALLY??? WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE MINGLING WITH US COMMON FOLK???"

Ok, they didn't say it in those exact words but that was kinda the atmosphere. Managed to get a picture ^^

I finally entered the stadium after getting my lunch. Apparently I missed Girl Next Door's performance.

When I came in,Dream5 started to perform and their style was so different from last year's O_O.
Last year they were all wearing matching colored overalls and doing the cutesy image(which suits them because they're all around 12-15) but this year their dance moves were actually kinda fierce. They were good. They did their intros and the oldest girl was from Miyagi and I was like YAY MIYAGI! SENDAI WOOT! Sorry, I've been living there for 4 years already XD

Goto Maki was next and today will be her last A-Nation performance because she'll be going on a break next year. Sexy style and fierce dance moves too.

Then, the door on the center stage opened and Suzuki Ami came out wearing a white wedding dress arm-in-arm with the A-Nation mascot, the giant blue teddy bear. ADORKABLENESS. She did a slow ballad song first and then took off the train of her dress revealing her white minidress and did a faster paced song.

And I apologized because I can't remember what the song titles. I was going to write notes but I lost my pencil X_x

And then another Shooting Act and OMG IT'S SHIROTA YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU♥!!!!!. As in SHIROTAN, as in YUU-CHAN, as in Tenimyu's 2nd Cast TEZUKA-BUCHOU♥!!! *cough* Sorry, I've been his fan ever since Tenimyu XD. His stage name is U and his singing is flawless(BRB BIASED FOREVER). Unfortunately I haven't been following his career as much as I could have T__T, sorry Shirotan. I love his a sandglass of fate and love and peace song♥ OMG I AM SO GLAD I CHOSE SATURDAY'S A-NATION XDDDDDD

So, since I forgot my pencil, I've been taking notes with my handphone but the security guards came over and told someone in front of me that using our handphone isn't allowed so things that happen after this are based on memories only and there are probably some mistakes here and there.

I think Mihimaru GT was up next but I left my seat for a while so I didn't catch the whole performance. SORRY. Nature called and I didn't want to miss After School's performance.

And it's time for another Shooting Act and some words about COLLABORATION WITH AMURO NAMIE came up on screen and the fans near me gasped and OMG YES IT'S AFTER SCHOOL with their awesome Let's Do It drum performance! The Toho fans behind me were all trying to find Gahee. Unnie is awesome, YES. I am so happy I get to see After School live. After their intro performance, they did their self introduction in Japanese.

Gahee introduced herself as leader and the one in charged of DANCE.
Gahee: *to audience* Shall we dance?
She stumbled on some of her Japanese but managed to get it out properly and some fans near me were going KAWAII as in CUTE♥
Then Jungah introduced herself and said that her nickname is After School's mother. OMMA XD
Then, "Nice to meet you all, I'm Reina, After's School main vocal. Coming to Tokyo, I really want to try out some Japanese food. Won't you come with me?"
Then it was 20 year old Nana's turn and she told us her nickname is Sexy Kitten. At least I think she said Kitten. It kinda sounded like she was saying Kitchenette but I don't think those are sexy... Not that I think kittens are sexy but you know... ok, I'll stop rambling.
And then UEE and I'm not sure what she said exactly but she said something about ikemen.
And then "Nice to meet you all. I'm After School's my pace member Jooyeon." I love my pace people XD
And then 19 year old Lizzy who introduced herself as the one in charge of laughs XD. I couln't make out what her nickname was in Japanese.
And then maknae E-young's turn. She said something about liking gyudon.
After they were done, they performed Diva. FIERCE.

E-Girls, AAA, Acid Black Cherry, and Do As Infinity also performed today but I can't remember in which order exactly.

I think next was E-Girls, the Exile girls dance-vocal group comprising of 3 different groups, Dream, Flower and Happiness.

Or maybe it was Acid Black Cherry who reminded me of why I love J-Rock in the first place. Acid Black Cherry is Janne Da Arc's lead singer, Yasu's project. And Yasu is amazing and hillarious and I think I just became his fan. There were a lot of his fans around which was great and you know how during Japanese performances, the fans usually have a certain movement that has already been decided to match with the song and usually it's movements like waving from side to side or fist pumping or things like that but ABC's fans were doing this fluid hand waving theme which was unique and looked cool to me.

Of course, I am a dork who is the type to wave her uchiwa around and whack herself on the nose or glasses... Which I've done many times already today. T__T Why am I so lame???

Anyway during the mc part, Yasu said something like this, "Now I know some of you may be surprised to see us here in A-Nation. When we performed in Osaka, I saw those exact who are there people??? looks on their faces too. Well, we're Acid Black Cherry. And yes, I know, us performing in A-nation... we don't really look like the type to suit the sun right? (LUCKILY IT WAS CLOUDY YASU XD) and I know the name of Acid Black Cherry is hard to remember. I mean, look Acid Black Cherry," he pointed to the display above him with their band name. "But really, it's not that hard. Acid Black Cherry. ABC. See, easy." And he said this all in Kansai-ben and got the crowd laughing. I don't really know the title of the songs they performed but I like them so off to use the internet for research.

AAA had many fans as well and the woman next to me, who was pretty laid-back and didn't have any fan goods with her suddenly stood up and was screaming like mad. So I thought, oh... she's a AAA fan.
AAA were fun and the guy who raps has mad skillz XD

Do As Infinity are one of the senpai singers of Avex and a lot of their songs are nice.

Again, I'm all sorts of grateful for the cloudy weather because there is literally a sea of red Bigeast towels. My area was filled with Bigeast, the opposite side of the stands was filled with red too, basically red towels EVERYWHERE. I wish I could take a pic but the security is really really tight. One security guard was crouching at the foot of the steps in front of us, observing us all. Kinda creepy but he was hot. Idol-level hot. I considered going, "Fine, I won't take a pic of any of the performers. But can I take a pic of you?" LOL

Another Shooting Act with a band called The ROOTless. They sang a One Piece opening, I think. Which reminds, another Shooting Act called the The Little Blue Box also performed with their songs for the anime Danbooru Kishi or something like that.

THEN KOUDA KUMI APPEARED AND SHE WAS HOT AND SEXY AND FIERCE. Lots of sexy dance moves and pouring water on herself and the crowd really got heated up because it means that the time for the big stars is starting. Kouda Kumi sang Honey Flash too and there were a lot of movements for us fans to do for all her songs LOL

Oh and BTW during intervals between the performances, they would show the artists on screen saying phrases like Smile for Life, Guts for Life, etc because A-nation's theme this year is A-Nation For Life to support the victims of the 2011 Miyagi Earthquake (I feel like I should say thank you too or something...)

Anyway, HoMin appeared on screen and the crowds SCREAM XD

We were totally expecting Tohoshinki to be out soon because the singers that are left are TRF, Tohoshinki and Ayumi Hamasaki.

Which brings me to No.2 of things that I've learned from previous A-Nations. The last three performers will always be Tohoshinki, TRF and the closing stage Ayumi and in that order. It was something that Bigeast has kinda grown to accept. Tohoshinki may be the most popular act for A-Nation but TRF are senpais and pretty high ranking and Ayumi is like the queen. I remember my conversations last year with some fans. They said, "Tohoshinki should be last. Too bad it's impossible because they're not Japanese." And they were really disappointed about that too.

So... it's 6pm and I was expecting Tohoshinki or maybe a Shooting Act that I forgot when the letters TRF appeared on screen and I was like wait, HoMin is after TRF???? What's up with the hirearchy??? Anyway I finally got to see TRF's performance and wow their bodies are so fit. LOL Samu-san took his shirt off during one of the dance breaks. The crowds were enjoying themselves. I told you guys starting from Kouda Kumi, it's the big guns now.

So TRF finished performing and I suddenly hear the fans behind me debating whether HoMin or X-Japan were next. And I went O____O X-Japan is really the secret guest today?!! OMG I GET TO SEE YOSHIKI-SAMA!

The woman next to me, who I though was a AAA fan returned from buying some things to eat and she smiled at me and then while eating her fries, suddenly asked me, "So, who do you like?" while pointing at my HoMin uchiwa. I told her Changmin although both of them are my biases. And then she said, "Me too. I love Changmin." And all I could think was WAITAMINUTE YOU'RE A FELLOW BIGEAST???

She said that she regretted not being able to come with the concert with a towel or a even a penlight or an uchiwa. Luckily for her, I brought 2009's A-Nation Tohoshinki uchiwa and an extra penlight so I offered to lend it to her and she totally lit up in happiness. Awesome. I love making friends with fellow fans.

We debated on who was up next and she discovered I was a X-Japan fan too.
Me: So X-Japan are really the secret guest???
Her: I think so. I wonder who's next.
Both: Hmmm...
Me: could be either.
Her: I think the impact of either of them coming out now would be the same...
Me: Those look like instruments on stage... (it was already night so we couln't see the stage clearly without lights)
Her: I think so too. Tohoshinki can't dance with instruments in their way.
Me: So next should be...
Her: I think... X-Japan?

Well, we weren't too sure but I stood up to her surprise until she realized that whether it's HoMin or X-Japan, I would still be standing up to fangirl. XD

The screens suddenly lit up and saw American audiences rocking out in Los Angeles so I knew straightaway it was X-Japan since I vaguely remembered that they reunited recently and did an American tour and apparently a European tour too. The Bigeast members behind me were also X-Japan fans and were trying to remember the cheer moves for X-Japan and they were saying how glad they were they picked today to attend.

Suddenly, we heard piano playing the opening chords for X-Japan's Forever Love. My favorite X-Japan song. I FLAILED. I GET TO SEE AND HEAR THIS LIVE. OMG YOSHIKI-SAMA IS PLAYING THE PIANO♥
Mou hitori de arukenai... HOLY- TOSHI IS SINGING FOREVER LOVE.

Damn, I am so glad I chose the concert on Saturday.

X-Japan sang Rusty Nail song and I finally get to see Yoshiki on DRUMS. This man is epic. Sugizo, the guitarist, is GORGEOUS.

Like the legendary rock band they are, Toshi shouts and roars and gets the crowd going. Unfortunately for me, I have no idea what he's saying... T___T I don't know whether it's my lack of Japanese skills or hearing skills lol.

Back to the performance, suddenly Sugizo was in the center stage and playing his violin and ♥♥♥ omg this man is gorgeousssss. Yoshiki joined him on piano and they both did a BEAUTIFUL piano-violin duet. Which is their intro for 紅(Kurenai) and it was rocking and Yoshiki poured water on himself and threw the water bottle.

Next up was MC part where Toshi got the crowds cheering again and I still can't make out what he's saying. Toshi told the crowd that today's performance will be seen live on TV by the people of Tohoku and he got the crowds to cheer and everything. He gave the mike to Yoshiki and fans were shouting YOSHIKI YOSHIKI. Lol, surprisingly, Yoshiki is so adorable compared to his image. He took the mike and sat down on the steps of the platform where his drums were and started off with, "It's hot..." LOL

"This time... were you all surprised? Hehe. [didn't quite catch what he said after that] Actually, we were really away for such a long time, that I wondered what would- oh, something just flew by[LOL easily distracted]- what would happen. I am really grateful that you all welcomed us so warmly. Oh BTW, we're X-Japan[late intro is late XD]. At first, the meaning of X was originally unlimited potential and we try to live up to that. But from today, we would like to put a new meaning for that letter X. No matter what obstacles, no matter what happens, we will always look forward [something something] and walk on[with our heads held high?]. From now on, in our dictionary, that is what X will stand for. To those suffering from the earthquake, we may not know exactly what pain and hardships you all are going through, but all of us here, the artists, the audience, everyone here in this stadium is supporting you all so DON'T GIVE UP!!! DON'T GIVE UP!!! WE ARE-" "X!" "WE ARE" "X!"

He looked like he was going to tear up as he said this speech but at the end he shouted with passion. And then the X cheer, where they go WE ARE and the audience cross their arms in an X sign and jumps while shouting X!!!.

This is important because later on we did this non-stop. And I mean non-stop. Maybe around 50 times. It felt like more... LOL

Anyway, after the speech they sang Born To Be Free, one of their English songs.

And then next was their song called X!!! Seriously this whole band is awesome. Though I may be Yoshiki and Sugizo biased XD. Back to the song... OMG THIS SONG. Toshi just kept on shouting WE ARE!!! and we all did the X sign and yelled back X!!! Non-stop. It was amazing. But so so tiring. And I thought, omg Tohoshinki is after this, how am I supposed to jump for Somebody To Love?!!! When Toshi sorta stopped, he gave the mike to Yoshiki and it was Yoshiki's turn to yell WE ARE!!! X!!!! He yelled while walking to the center stage where the piano was. He yelled while climbing on to the piano. He yelled as he sat on the piano cover. He yelled as he lied down on the piano. And while he was doing all this, Toshi went up to the drums and played arounda little. XD

This was probably one of the most epic performances today. The atmosphere was amazing and so energized.

I love that during instrumentals, Pata and Sugizo are rocking it together and they went to the center stage while Toshi hung out with Yoshiki at the drums. Heath didn't move around much though.

During the song, all band members drank from water bottles and threw them to the crowd. Sugizo threw one so high that it looked like it'll definitely hurt if it hits you. Lucky whoever gets hit by Sugizo's bottle. He also threw another and I have no idea where he planned on aiming it but it ended up hitting the ground near the security enforced area where nobody could get it. Damn. XD

After more WE ARE, the song ended with Toshi shouting cheers for Tohoku and Japan and then, unlike the other artists, instead of running off... they wandered around the stage. Yoshiki posed in front of the stage with the audience as the background and Sugizo was actually TAKING HIS PICTURE with an Iphone. Right there on stage. XD Yoshiki turned towards the audience and asked everyone to do the X sign. Then, they all took a group picture with the audience as the background. I love that they did that. That they think that today's performance was worth remembering and that they are actually taking pictures RIGHT ON STAGE. Awesome.

They left with a BYE BYE T______T and we all finally sat down exhausted.

I gave my friend the Tohoshinki uchiwa and penlight that she asked to borrow and we were getting hyped up for Tohoshinki when suddenly the letter A appeared on screen.

The letter A.

As in Ayumi Hamasaki.

As in not Tohoshinki.


Seriously though, I think my jaw literally dropped. I turned to my friend next to me and she had this shocked look too.

Me: A???
Her: Ayu???
Me: Ayu??? Not Toho???
Her: Not Toho??? Toho is AFTER Ayu???
Me: Toho is AFTER Ayu???
Her: ......
Me: ......
Her: ......
Her: ......

Yes, this was how our conversation went. Except with more flailing. X__x

I stopped flailing when I realized that there were 2 Ayu fans near us. Sorry @_@

Ayu appeared and as expected her stage was amazing. But the surprising thing for me was that most of her songs were practically duets with AAA's Urata Naoya. I love Dream On! Both were charismatic and amazing but I can't remember the song titles exactly. Halfway through her performance, Ayu came out on that mobile platform car thing (argh I am so bad with words) and went around the stadium and when she came to our side we were all waving like mad.

When her performance ended, a lot of her fans started leaving. One of the Bigeast behind me yelled jokingly, "HEY WHERE ARE YOU ALL GOING?!". Well, it's not like we can be angry about that since we do that too after Tohoshinki performed in previous A-Nations. Not because we don't like Ayu or anything, it's usually because of the weather and by the time our favorite artist comes out to perform, we would already be at our body's limit and plus, we didn't want to get stuck in the jam the show ends.

Anyway... ANYWAY

Cue the red ocean. XD Of penlights.

The screen lit up with scenes of ummm moon and nature stuff while a voice over was going about how they were gone but now we are back...


Cue the whole stadium screaming.

My area was filled with screaming and flailing and fangirling and spazzing and epic epic epic.

HoMin appeared on stage *cue more screams* and did the intro for Why. CHARISMA AND SEXINESS: CHECK
Changmin has his fluffy hair. Darn. T__T Yunho is as hot as ever. Swoon.

When they finished the intro, instead of going into Why, we heard RISE UP

Looks like we're WAITING FOR THE RISING SUN!!!

Normally, I'd be kinda sad that instead of 5 people singing this song, it's only 2. But no use to dwell on it now, too busy screaming my throat out. Didn't know my voice could reach that pitch. The audience all know the lyrics to the song so you can hear us all shouting NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO during the intro of Rising Sun and singing along with everything. Normally I'd just follow the crowd and wave my uchiwa or penlight accordingly, but if it's KPOP, who cares, I'm gonna try to pull off the dance moves dorkily. Not on purpose.

The MC part was after Rising Sun. And more screaming. Yunho said that they've been away for while but now they're back so please continue to support them and let's have fun today. Sweet Yunho as usual.

But Changmin on the other hand...
Changmin: I'm incredibly happy to be able to stand on this stage and perform today with so many amazing artists BUT...
Me: *thinking* But? There shouldn't be a but after a sentence like that?
Changmin: BUT seeing all your faces in front of me right now makes me even happier!
Me: OMG CHANGMIN♥ *to my friend* CHANGMIN'S BEING KIND! *in utter disbelief*


And then Changmin said his trademark line to Bigeast (Have I ever mentioned I love this man? XD)

Changmin: We'd like to go to the next song~
Changmin: *puts his fingers to his lips* Shhh... please listen and enjoy our new song Superstar.

Yeah, it wouldn't be polite to the other artists to extend the MC part just to argue with the audience. Even if the audience really wants you to argue with them. XD omg we're masochistic.

I really need to learn the cheers for Superstar. I totally fail at the cheers. Boo.
However, we all knew the chorus so hear the whole stadium going E-YO and SUPERSTAR SUPERSTAR

There was this guy near my seat who has been dancing and supporting ALL the artists and I didn't know whose fan he was but I love him because he cheered for ALL the artists non-stop, even Tohoshinki. Of course, there are guy Tohoshinki fans. In fact, I saw some of them with their red Bigeast towels before going into the stadium but I really appreciate and love it when a non-fan cheers for the artists I like. XD

Next up was a medley of a few of the original Tohoshinki songs.
The boys showed their ballad skills with Toki wo Tomete. I'm not really a fan of this song because it was released post-lawsuit and bad memories man...

Next was Stand By U and Yunho asked us all to sing along and there were lyrics on screen and once, the camera zoomed in on Yunho and he had such a warm affectionate expression on his face that we all squealed. Although there may be a bit of wistfulness in that expression too. WE LOVE YOU OPPA♥
Then the camera zoomed to Changmin, but he was looking down shyly. Awww.

Then, Summer Dream which has to be sung during A-Nation because, you know, SUMMER. I miss Junsu's choreography but HoMin looked like they were having fun and the fans in my area were all dancing along and swaying from side to side so YAY.

And then It's time for love, SOMEBODY TO LOVE~
This song is so hyper XD
During one part, Changmin looked to the camera on stage closes to him and normally, I think the screen would have shown a close up of him. Normally. However, all we got was a the view of Changmin looking into a camera and we were all sort of confused like what is Changmin doing??? And the screen skipped to Yunho who was looking at Changmin and I don't know whether they realized what was going on. Anyway, we were all still kinda wondering what just happened until the camera went back to Changmin and Changmin poured water on himself. Then, we were all too busy screaming. ♥♥♥

And now it's time to KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN
WHY?-Keep Your Head Down- was AMAZING. Us fans were screaming and singing along and doing the dance moves. When Changmin did his scream, we all tried to scream along with him LOL

The fans totally loved it when HoMin got all up close and personal with each other. Changmin pushed Yunho away. With all the practice they have had, hopefully Yunho won't get bruised lol.They finished and said their thank yous and goodbye and we were all DON'T GO but then fireworks suddenly lit up the sky behind us and HoMin pointed at it and it was a beautiful sight of us all staring at the fireworks together and HoMin looked gorgeous staring at the sky and I didn't know where to look. HoMin or Fireworks, HoMin or Fireworks. Pfft, like it was a competiton, HOMIN♥ XD

They said their goodbyes and left the stage and all of us fans enjoyed the view of the fireworks. Hey, I just realized, I actually stayed until the end of A-Nation... cool XD

We left to go home and I finally found out what my friend's name is. I had to go to the toilet so we went our separate ways T__T. While lining up for the toilet, I overheard the conversation between 2 obasan Ayu fans.

Ayu fan #1: You know, it may be because I was so hyped up from Ayu's peformance, but... seeing Tohoshinki's performance, they are kinda kakkoii, aren't they? [She said kakkoii which could mean cool, handsome, good-looking etc.]
Ayu fan #2: What do you mean they are kinda kakkoii? THEY ARE KAKKOII. That's a fact. You don't have to doubt that. With or without Ayu's influence, it's safe to say they are kakkoii.

LOL I love that. XD

If you actually managed to read until here, I commend you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I apologize for all the spazzing and fangirling and bias. Hope you all like it!

This is probably going to be one of my last fan accounts in a while since I don't know when again I'll be able to go to a TVXQ concert(JYJ or HoMin). In these past 2 years, I've been to JYJ Thanksgiving Live in Dome, A-Nation 2010(with JYJ), SM Town Tokyo, A-Nation 2011(with HoMin) so... that's 2 for 2. I am totally fair in my fangirling ^^ I hope Bigeast will always continue to support both JYJ and HoMin and I am so proud to be a part of them especially when I go to A-Nation.


Credit: red_planet31 |

acid black cherry, x-japan, fangirling, fan account, after school, tvxq

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