Title:I’m In Love With You, You Idiot!!!
Rating: Ummm PG-13 for swearing?
Summary: A confession that turns the life of the Fuji brothers upside down.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis and its characters do not belong to me but to Konomi
Warnings: Shonen-ai. Don’t like don’t read. You’ll find out the pairing…
Author's Notes: I actually posted this up on fanfiction.net in 2005 (omg I fail at updating) and decided to post it up here too~
Prologue: “Why Would I Freak Out?”
It started off as a normal day. Nothing was wrong with the world. The birds were still singing. The sun was still shining. The Earth was still revolving around the sun. And Mizuki’s infamous purple sweater was still, unfortunately, infamously purple.
Yes, everything was perfect in Yuuta’s world. Well, as perfect as it usually was. There was no possible sign that his world was going to turn upside down. The St. Rudolph tennis club were having their last practice before the summer holidays. Everything was normal. Yes, just normal. Unusually normal.
“Good game, Yuuta,” praised Akazawa as they shook hands over the net.
“Thanks, buchou,” answered Yuuuta politely.
Both of them walked to the benches where most of the St. Rudolph regulars were sitting as they watched the previous match. Yuuta took his water bottle while Akazawa ordered Kaneda, Kisarazu and Yanagisawa to go to the court for their doubles match. Before Akazawa followed them, Yuuta stopped him.
“Buchou, do you know where Mizuki-san is?”
Akazawa looked around, confirming the fact that Mizuki was undoubtedly missing. He looked back at Yuuta with a shrug. “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.”
Yuuta merely nodded as Akazawa joined Kaneda at the courts. It was not unusual for the St. Rudolph manager to be missing. Usually, Mizuki missing would mean he was off gathering data somewhere. So, it was still a normal day for Yuuta. For about 3 minutes more anyway.
In fact, if Yuuta knew his world was going to turn upside down in 3 minutes, he would have used the remaining 3 minutes in a much more productive way. Unfortunately, he didn’t know. So, he spent 2 minutes doing stretching exercises while observing the doubles match between Akazawa-Kaneda pair and Kisarazu-Yanagisawa pair.
He looked at his wristwatch, noting that he had been doing stretching exercises for 2 minutes already. He decided that he should do some swinging exercise and proceeded to walk to his favourite wall. It took about 15 seconds to reach the corner of the school building. And in those 15 seconds his fate was sealed.
“Yuuta!” called out Mizuki from behind the building.
“Mizuki-san,” Yuuta greeted as he waved his left hand which was still holding his water bottle.
“Come over here,” Mizuki ordered impatiently.
Yuuta walked over to Mizuki unsuspectingly. He glanced at his watch again and noticed that 10 seconds have passed. Why he was noticing this, he did not know.
“What is it, Mizuki-san?”
“Yuuta… I have something to tell you,” said Mizuki, looking meaningfully at Yuuta.
“What did you want to tell me?”
“Okay, but you have to promise not to freak out,” said Mizuki looking rather… nervous… Yuuta’s eyebrows rose as he saw this.
“Why would I freak out?” ask Yuuta, surprised by Mizuki’s statement.
“PROMISE ME,” Mizuki practically begged.
“Okay, okay, I promise.” Really, what was the big deal? Yuuta wondered as he glanced at his watch. Hmmm… 7 more seconds and it would be 3 minutes since he started stretching. Yuuta decided that he didn’t really care so he took a rather large gulp of water from his water bottle.
6… 5…
“Okay, here it goes…” started Mizuki.
4… 3… 2… 1…
“Yuuta… I’m in love with your brother.”
^________________^ Read and review.
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