TVXQ 3rd Live Tour 20th April 2008 SENDAI: Memories

Apr 23, 2008 16:14

What happened on that beautiful Sunday? This is what I could remember. Hopefully those who are going to read this won't find it boring at all.. XP This was my first and hopefully not last concert.

I went to the concert with my friend. We both had to take the bus, then get on the train, and then back on a bus to get to the concert venue. The train was FILLED with TVXQ fans. I saw a woman who was probably around the same age with my mom and she had a Jaejoong phone strap. O_OI want one!!! And then there was this guy next to her. And the guy had a bag with the word Tohoshinki on it. All I could think to myself was:

1. Wowww... A fanboy is sitting right in front of me.
2. Darnit, I want that bag. XDXD

Anyway, after taking the bus, we reached Sendai Hot House Super Arena Grande 21 and I was practically bouncing on my feet(Except I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago so the bouncing had to be kept to a minimum). Anyway... the first thing I saw when I reached there was THIS, a booth that displayed all their merchandise. Ahh... choices.. choices... what to buy...

And then there was this life size poster of them:

I HAD to stand between Changmin and Yunho when I took a picture with the poster. Hehe.

More pics:

There were many fans walking around. Some Micky fans wore a red sparkly bow on their heads like Minnie Mouse. Some Junsu fans wore pink hoodies with the number 10 and Junsoo written on the back. There was this group of Chinese fans who had cards with the word 'My Yunho' on them.

Anyway, after that we lined up to buy TVXQ stuff, do other stuff and then FINALLY enter the arena. The audience weren't allowed to use cameras or handphones so I have no pics of the concert(How they managed to fancam the concert, I do not know XP.)

Note: I can't really remember well what happened and in what order so if there are any mistakes, I'm reallyyyyyyyyyyy sorry!!!

My friend and I were waiting for the concert to begin when suddenly the place went dark. The fans all screamed. Then, if I remember correctly, there was a countdown and then we saw the opening video. They were like secret agents and there was this 'mysterious figure' who was checking on the Dong Bang boys activities and whereabouts. Basically, the boys were wearing sunglasses and all dressed in trenchcoats and sneaking around some kind of stadium building thing. Junsu was located somewhere near a staircase. They showed each member one by one and the last one was Yunho. It turns out HE was the 'mysterious figure'(I could have guessed by the long hair XP). Yunho got suited up and then got into a car. And then the opening tune for Trick started playing. Hehe.

4 giant images of Junsu, Jaejoong, Changmin and Yunho were projected on screen. And between the images of Junsu and Jaejoong... stood Yoochun!!! Singing "Break your trick, break your trick, break your trick now..." and I totally went into fangirl mode and as I am typing this I just realized that Micky was the first Dong Bang that I laid my eyes on... *SQUEALLLLLLL* And then next was Yunho!!! At that time all I could think was "OMG!!!!I'm actually seeing them!!! In person!!!OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!" They were all wearing trenchcoats and sunglasses. Damnnn they were HOT!!

Seriously, I can't remember in what order did they sing their songs. All I know was that sometime after that they took of their sunglasses and started to do awesome dancing moves at which I fangirled some more.

Note: From here on, I'm just telling what I remember.
Darkness Eyes! A brilliant performance. Involving suits and a conveyor belt which they walked on while dancing. And then they went to the center stage which was nearly right in front of me ^_________^. And the dance there was awesome.

The Clap! opening was fun. A video of them all stomping their foot and clapping their hands in a rhythm. First was Yunho. He stomped and clapped to certain beat. Then he threw a golden ball into the air and Yoochun appeared. Yoochun stomped and clapped to another beat and then they added the two sequences together. Then both threw golden balls into the air and Jaejoong and Changmin appeared. The same thing happens except with a different rhythm and they added the moves to the previous dance that Yoochun and Yunho were doing. Suddenly Junsu walked onto the screen. I think he greeted them then went to the front center of the screen and kneeled down on his knees with his arms spread open as if proclaiming that he is the GREATEST OF ALL. Hahhaa. Junsu is so dorky. Then he added more moves to the previous moves and they performed it all together. With the audience clapping at the same time. ^___^That was fun.

The screen went black and TVXQ appeared in gold coloured costumes. And I kept on staring at Micky's shoulders. Such beautiful sexy shoulders *swoon*. And I kept on noticing how his costume kept on riding up and showing his belly button. XDXDXD

And now for the talking/gag part of the concert...
Junsu said(probably not exact words but something like this) "Boku ga karisuma ga aru no ni, nande mina san ni warawareteru????"(Eventhough I have charisma, why is it that you all still laugh at me????" I said loudly "Kawaii kara!"(Because you're cute!). I don't think TVXQ could have heard me eventhough my seat was quite close to the center stage, but then a group of girls behind me suddenly screamed "KAWAII KARA!!!" and then Yoochun nodded his head and told Junsu "Kawaii kara." Hehehe.

Junsu kept on saying that if he showed his full charisma, children would cry. Hahaha. So he did his charisma gag where he counted from 1-9. He was giggling before that but when he reached 3....
1,2,3... serious look into the camera.
4,5,6... another charismatic serious look XP
7,8,9... a charismatic serious look with his eyes closed... then he opened his eyes and stared CHARISMATICALLY into the camera. I couldn't stop laughing.

Jaejoong did a "Kimochi ga warui hodo, IKEMEN" which basically means something like "The more you feel bad watching this(his actions), the more handsome/good looking/sexy he is"... I'm guessing he's referring to the other TVXQ members. Actually, he got the title wrong at first. He's so cute when he's embarassed. Hehe. Anyway, at the number 3 he did a I'm so beautiful pose(I have no idea how to describe it...) and 6, he stared smolderingly into the camera. At 9 he was leaning so far over the stage to give the camera a sexy ikemen look. (I so thought he was going to fall over).

After that Junsu was practically screaming at him that he was scaring the audience and that he saw one of the audience members lean back in fright when Jaejoong leaned forward. Hahahhaa.

I'm not sure whether it was because of this or not that Junsu did another gag. The scary gag. He asked for blue lighting and made serious haunted faces. At the number 9, he made a clawing like motion with his hand as he made a scary face. At that point, Yoochunnie nearly fell over laughing. Soooo cute!!

Yunho said that he did a gag the day before and that doing gags is very tiring so he didn't want to do any on that day. We all went "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????" and Yunho said "Wakatta, wakatta." and something else, which meant "Fine, fine, I'll do it." Then the fans cheered. Yayyy Yunho is so nice! His gag was this(I think, not too sure on the details)...
1... In an old man's voice "Ichi..."
2... In a voice that's calling for someone "Niii"
3.... BRUCE LEE!!! "SANNNNNNN!!!!!"
4... Old man's voice again I think.
5... Looking for "Go..."
7... Old mannnn "Shichi..."
8.... Old man looking for someone "Hachi?? Hachi..."
9... Kung Fu Yun- I mean, BRUCE LEE "KYUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!"

And then... it was Changmin and Yoochun's turn. Changmin acted soooo reluctant. So, apparently to 'encourage'(FORCE) them to do a gag, Yunho suggested that he, Jaejoong and Junsu go back to the main stage, leaving both of them alone at the center stage.
And this is what happened... Not my fancam by the way.

image Click to view

I screamed like mad. And closed my eyes... X_X VISUAL OVERLOAD!!! I thought my brain was going to melt. Especially at 6'roku'. I SO LOVE THESE GUYS!!!
When they stood there in the beginning, Jaejoong said it looked like a wedding. Hehe.

When Junsu starts being noisy, Yoochun keeps on telling him "Junsu, uruSEN DAI." Which I think means "Stop being noisy". It's basically a play on words since they are performing in SENDAI. They kept on repeating that joke. Hehehe. UruSEN DAI.

At another part of the concert when they were talking, Changmin hit his microphone on his teeth and straightaway crouched down while holding his mouth. Poor Minnie, that must have hurt. X(

At another part, they were promoting their new single "Beautiful You" which is out on the 23rd of April. Somebody asked what day it was. And Jaejoong answered "Ni juu nichi" which means the the twentieth but the word is wrong because in Japanese the 20th day is called "Hatsuka". Junsu corrected him hillariously. And there was a time when Yunho said something funny "nado nado"(it means etcetera) and Junsu corrected him (or was it made fun of him... hmm) and Yunho said back at him "If you stopped doing things like that, you would HAVE charisma!!!" Hahaha.

Anyway, after the Hatsuka fiaso, Jaejoong asked the crowd...

JJ: (don't remember exact words)Itsu? Ni juu...?(When is the single coming out? On the twenty...?"
Fans:SAN!!!! (THIRD!!!)
JJ: Ato mikka!! (After three more days!!!)
Fans:(we all had no idea how to reply to that some fans yelled out with this:) Sannnn.....? (Third.....?)
JJ: (with such a cute teasing face) San tte nani? (What do you mean by third?)

Hahahhaha. Ask a proper question oppa!!
When it was nearly the end of the concert, TVXQ gave their speeches. After Changmin's serious speech it was Jaejoong's turn. He almost cried. >__< We'll miss you guys too!!! They sang after that and Jaejoong dropped his mike but Changmin picked it up for him... huhuhu.

When they performed High Time, suddenly tons of silver ribbons were shot up into the air and floated all around us. I grabbed some. Just for souvenier. Then on the ribbons I noticed... THEIR SIGNATURES AND A MESSAGE!!!! (Well, it was printed on the ribbons not actually written, except for maybe the original, but it's the thought that counts). Me and my friend went wild looking for more ribbons. Luckily for us, one fan who was sitting behind us gave us some. So grateful to her! Thank You!!!

TVXQ performed some of their old songs too. Like Asu wa Kuru Kara and RISING SUN!!! I soooo went fangirly at Rising Sun. I could finally see the dance right in front of my eyes. Purple Line was awesome too!!! And then near the end of the concert, they sang one of my favourite ballads... Love in the Ice. Such a beautiful performance. I love all their voices. And Micky was wonderful with the high note!

There were just so many wonderful moments... It was a totally great and worthwhile experience. I so hope I can go to their next concert!! A lot more things happened but I can't fit it all in. Huhuhu. Hope you all don't mind reading through all this. ^____^

Just remembered something else. When they were promoting the new single 'Beautiful You', Yoochun started to say "Zet-" but changed it to "Zehi kiite kudasai." That zet was probably going to turn into "Zettai" which is like telling the audience they MUST listen/buy the single. But he changed it to "zehi kiite kudasai"(Please feel free to listen to it.) Hahaha. Nice save Micky!

Ahhhh!! I just remembered something else. During one of the songs, Yunho did a front flip without using his hands to touch the floor! He just jumped and flipped! Awesomeness!! Yunho oppa saikou!!

report, fangirling, concert, fan account, tvxq

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