Just saw Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets on TV last night (and suddenly decided to search for some HarryDraco etc fics). Watching the scenes where Harry saved Ginny, all I kept on thinking was HOOOWWWW did these two get together. I mean, I loved the first 4 books, Sirius died in the 5th book(darnit) and Harry gets all angsty and teenagey(yes, I am aware that THAT is not a proper word) in the 6th book, but to me, the HarryGinny was just so... umm... sudden. I mean, SUDDENLY he looks at her and feels jealous about her and her boyfriend. SUDDENLY, she's the number one in his heart. They barely interacted at all. Other than Harry saving her in 2nd year, and apparently, normal conversations, when did Harry suddenly fall in love with her???
I'm obviously more of a HarryDraco shipper but obviously J.K. Rowling wasn't going to put both of them together so this isn't a "Harry should be with Draco not Ginny!!!" rant(has there ever been such a rant????). It's just... I don't feel the chemistry between Harry and Ginny. It seems a bit unbelievable. Ron and Hermione I can believe. They have history. J.K. Rowling really wrote a lot about them in the books so you can see how their relationship develops over time. But Harry and Ginny... I think that J.K. Rowling should have shown more of their interactions to make this pairing more believable. Ginny was memorable before that. She was one of the strong female characters in the books. Then she became Harry's girlfriend.... Umm... right.
Lupin and Tonks... o...k... In my mind, Remus is actually in love with Sirius. It suddenly explains all Lupin's actions clearly. May you be happy with Sirius in heaven, mate.
Snape was so totally the good guy. He deserved a better death!! Alan Rickman rocks the 'greasy' hair. I wonder who is going to act as Narcissa. Can't wait. I love Lucius and Narcissa(and Draco). They may not be good people but they are good parents. I wished J.K. would have Draco grow up and be more mature, or turn over a new leaf. Oh well, I guess with Snape being the good guy and Lucius running around looking for his son, the quota on villains turning over a new leaf is used up(am I using that phrase correctly...?).
Riddle me this, Riddle me that... Riddle you fool!! You gave up your hot looks for power, you idiot!!! They better find a hot actor for Tom Marvolo Riddle. The previous actor(Christian something) was hot too. Seeing Peter Pettigrew in Enchanted amused me. A lot. What was the actor's name again... ><
Fleur is awesome. Especially when she stood up to Mrs. Weasley. She and Bill are going to have such beautiful children. Hahaha.
But seriously... Harry and Ginny. Does it make sense to anyone? Am I the only one who thinks it doesn't have the right chemistry or something???
Please excuse any grammar mistakes or wrong usage of phrases because it's nearly 5am right now and I should sleep... And this is all just my opinion. It was not meant to hurt anybody. Honestly.