Jun 23, 2005 15:45

Tuesday i went to stephs party thing and then i spent the night and we went to cedar point yesterday. Ok first ride we went on was the rapter and my phone was in my pocket right. TOTALLY FELL OUT. It fell out of my pocktet and it was kinda funny cuz right b4 that i was like i hate my phone i want to throw it and saying all the stuff and then it fell out of my pocket. Go fucking figuer. Then i got all excited cuz i get a new phone and ive wanted a camra phone for the longest time. Then this morning i called my mom and she was like how was cedarpoint i was liek fun but ur going to get mad at me and she goes what did u loose ur phone. I was like holy crap how did u know that? she goes o i was thinking about it i was like shes going to loose her phone. I was like ive had it at cedar point b4 and i didnt loose it. She goes it was just a matter of time. Then she was like well its not my problem ur going to have to buy urslef a new one. CRAP!! i was saving money for a camra and i have enough and now i have to buy a phone. My mom said jut to find one that comes cheeo with a plan but fuck that if i have to pay for it im getting one i want!!! First i was like i want a nextel camra phone and the jordan was like no get a cingular so u can talk to me and jess all the time so i went to look at cingular phones and theres one that i like that only like 100 and its a camra phone. SO i was just looking at the cingular phones and the whole time b4 that like as soon as i lost my phone i was like i want a sidekick and so then i saw a phone that had a keyboard thing like the sidekick and i was like fuck now i want the sidekick so i went to look at them and it hass all the stuff on it like unlimited text and aim messiging and unlimited web browsing and e-mail and a camra and now i really want it and its only like 250 after tyhe mail in rebate thing and i really hope my mom lets me get itcuz the plan is only like 60 a month and i mean thats not that much. I had the stuppid pay as u go but by the time u like sit to add it up and like think about it u pay way more on that then u do w/ a plan. She was like i think were just going to go back to pay as u go and i was like my u pay 25 cents a min for the first 10 min and then 10 cents after that and its 5 or 10 cents for every text message and i do that like all the time and with the side kick u have unlimited text. She said she would put 30 a month on my phone when i had that and she put like 30 every 2 weeks and i dont think she really used that. She has to face that im getting older and i go places and i need a phone with more then 10 fricking min on it.
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