"Brightness" [Phineas & Ferb]

Feb 16, 2010 20:48

Title: Brightness.

Author: Keenir
Beta: Babnol.
Fandom: Phineas And Ferb.
Characters: Stacy, Phineas, Ferb, Perry, Doofensmirtz.
Pairing: none.

Summary: “Ferb, I know what we’re going to do on Chinese New Year.”

Warnings: All errors are entirely my own.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,016
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of the creators and owners (and voice actors) of the show. All original characters are mine.

“So, just to be clear,” Phineas said, “our parents asked you to watch us tonight.”

“I did,” Stacy said. Candice and her mom are with the Garcia-Shapiros at a mother-daughter thing that involves camping, and your dad’s over in England.

“You also promised Candice that you would bust us,” Ferb noted.

Stacy nodded. “That’s what friends do.”

Perry made that sound the boys said was growling, but sounded more like chittering to her ears.

Phineas got that look in his eyes, the one that warned he was about to say Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today -

Stacy’s phone rang. “Hello?” she answered. “Hi, Mom. Yes, I’m at the Flynns’, watching their boys. Yes, I’m sorry I won’t be with you and dad tonight. Their back yard has a good view of where the fireworks will be going off. Okay, I will. You too. See you next year,” and shut her cell phone.

“Stacy?” Phineas asked.


“What exactly is involved in Chinese New Year?”

She weighed her answers - these were the same boys she’d seen turn a pair of trees into giant fighting robots, after all. “The old year is frightened away with noise and bright lights.” The part about ‘evil spirits’ might give them ideas, and that wasn’t always a good thing…particularly in this case.

Phineas mouthed noise and bright lights before turning to his brother and saying, “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.”

“Wouldn’t you rather we find Perry?” Stacy asked. Where does he go, anyway?

“Not really,” Phineas said.


“Platypuses don’t like loud noises.”

Ferb nodded.


“Do I want to ask?” Stacy asked, standing alongside the boys, looking at the contraption they had just completed.

“It’s a light-maker,” Phineas said. “Complete with fireworks for added noise.”

“And the rest of it?”

“Fusion reactor, fission chamber, and a few other things we made up.” He looked up at Stacy’s face, and added, hoping it helped, “We have the permits.”

“Great,” Stacy said quietly. Maybe I should’ve said New Year is a time to scare away evil spirits, after all. “Now what?”

“Welll, can we stay up until midnight so we can launch it? Pllleeeeease?” Phineas asked, him and Ferb looking up at Stacy and giving puppy-dog eyes.

“I’ll think about it,” she said. “But the two of you have chores you have to do first - your mom told me so.”

“Okay,” the boys said as one, and bolted into the house.

…Leaving Stacy out here, looking at the massive contraption.


Within the Doofensmirtz Evil Inc. skyscraper, Heinz Doofensmirtz made sure he didn’t connect any of the Darkenator’s wires with the button marked ‘Self Destruct’ and smiled to himself at his cleverness.

That done, he looked over at the one who had brought him the plans for the Darkenator - a time-traveling platypus. “I really appreciate your help, Polly the Platypus. But I do have one question.”

An orange beak pointed at him.

“It’s a little one, I swear!” Doofensmirtz said.

The tiniest sigh of annoyance slipped through the crack in her bill as she returned her attention to the Darkenator.

“Why are you helping me?” Doofensmirtz asked her. “I mean, wouldn’t you rather help Perry the Platypus defeat me?”

Polly the Platypus thought back to the day when she had traveled back in time…forty-four Year of the Ox from today…

This New Year went down in history as the brightest celebration ever - blinding and rendering docile humankind, which permitted the platypi to take their rightful places as rulers of the world. That was the sort of advantage an electro-sensing beak gave you, after all.

But there was a small minority of the humans who hadn’t been dociled by the Brightness. So their had been a convocation of all the platypi (except one), who decided to send Polly back in time to make the Brightness even more extreme.

“Wow,” Doofensmirtz said in the here and now. “Now that was a short flashback.”

Just then, the door broke off its hinges, slamming on the floor.

“Right on time, Perry the Platypus,” he said. “I think you’ll find this invention far harder to destroy than…well, than every one of my other inventions.”

Perry looked at him.

“No, that’s it,” Doofensmirtz said. “No backstory or adolescent traumas this time.”

Perry looked skeptical.

That was when Polly attacked him.


It was dusk and Stacy was sitting on the Flynn porch, waiting for the boys to finish brushing their teeth, when the there was a dark beam flickering to a spot above where the fireworks would be going off tonight. The beam converted itself before her eyes to an inky sphere. That can’t be good, Stacy thought to herself.

That suspicion grew as the sphere did, though her suspicion at least didn’t pulsate.

Having heard nothing about anything along these lines during dinner, Stacy was on alert (her mom was on the New Year Planning Committee, after all)…and found herself eyeing the boys’ creation of the day. “Bust later,” she said to herself as she stood up and went over to the panel that looked the most like a radio controller - Wait a minute, this is a toy car radio controller - and hit the button clearly marked ‘Launch’…and backed up.

The rocket rocketed up, soaring into the sky and then swooping down towards the fireworks zone.

Polly’s plan had been for the darkness to make the Flynns’ invention to radiate even more light than ever before. But that wasn’t what happened, thanks to Stacy’s aim.

The brightness and darkness swirled around one another in an ever-faster tidal sphere of black and white. Faster and faster, quicker and quicker, smaller and smaller, until only an intensely-bright sphere the size of a golf ball was left, blazing over the Tri-State Area for a second -

And then it too was gone.

And everyone cheered that light had defeated darkness.

Once it was all over. “Whoa,” Stacy said, standing in the Flynns’ backyard.

“Happy New Year,” Phineas said, Ferb standing beside him.

Perry chittered Happy New Year to them.

“Happy New Year,” Stacey said.

The End.


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