Nov 29, 2009 23:02
Okay everyone that is in for Christmas party.
This is what I know so far about everyone's schedule.
-Bob, Kat, and Brooke will be in the C.B. area from the 20th? to the 1st.
-Eric and Shannon will be here from the 24th through the 28th. Then again on the 31st.
-Others I am forgetting?
So here is a break down of the days for possible days for the C-party
-24th(thursday) - Brooke is busy
-25th(friday) - Christmas - duh
-26th(saturday) - Bob and Kat and maybe I will be going to Beau and Marie's
-27th(sunday) - back from B&M's and I work 3-10
-28th(monday) - E&S are of town, But The Faint are in town and I will be seeing them (WOOT)
-29th(tuesday) - E&S out of town
-30th(wednesday) - E&S out of town
-31st(thursday) - E&S back in town, Sarah has her New Year's part which is an option.
-1st(friday) - B,K,&B are driving back to the East Coast.
As far as I can see the only "relaxing" day to do it would be the 31st. However, We could have the C-party at my place for a while and when it gets late and Kitty-Kat wants to go sleepy sleep, the rest of us can go over to Sarah's for some drinking and games.
If anything is inaccurate please tell me so I can fix it on here.