(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 13:33

I know it's rather pitiful to rant about this on a LiveJournal, but I need some sort of medium here.

There are a bunch of big, graphic posters of aborted fetuses on campus for an anti-abortion campaign. Ok, freedom of speech. Whatev. My problem is with what they're saying, not that they're saying it.

First off, they're using the word "choice" like it's bad. Like choice should be banned. If I need to go in to why I have a problem with that, you should either take a bus back to 1984 or get hit by one.

Next. The whole purpose of the posters is to show that fetuses can resemble humans and to get that emotional appeal by the pictures being graphic and sickening. Decent idea, sure, but using that logic it should also be made illegal to destroy snowmen, action figures, and blow-up dolls.

Next. This is America. American citizens have the right to decide what they do to and with their bodies, so long as these decisions do not interfere with the rights of other American citizens. Now's when the pro-lifers say "fetuses are people too." See that's the thing though... since the fetuses are incapable of making any sort of decision on their own, it's up to the mother. Granted, a mother can't kill her child after its been born, but after that child is born it becomes an American citizen with a name, a social security number, and all those rights I mentioned. Inside the womb it has none of those things.

Next. The argument that abortion should be illegal because fetuses are "still human" or could "be human eventually" is flawed because by that logic men should never masturbate or have wet dreams, women should never have periods, and humans should never cut their nails, cut their hair, or shed dead skin cells becuase those cells that we are so carelessly discarding still have human DNA and/or could someday grow into an American citizen.

I'd go on, but I have class in three minutes.

dead babies, pro-life, abortion, right to choose, fetus, pro-choice

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