Aug 15, 2006 16:23
I have been told by many friends that Men suck. I sympathize with their frustration with males, but I happen to know that Men do not suck. So, to clarify who sucks I am spreading the word about Boys, Guys, and Men.
Boys are the males who make women cry. They are selfish and crude. They are the males who can not commit and generally make life hell for women. They are also the most populous catgory of the male species. Boys suck.
Guys are males who can be in commited relationships. They make women happy, most of the time. These are the males who get married, and many of them are decent human beings, most of the time. However, Guys still mess up. They say mean things. They flirt with other women while in relationships, or walk away from amazing women with little reason. Guys sometimes remind us of Boys, but they usually make up for such mistakes in the end. Unfortunately, Guys are a dissappearing breed.
Men are mythological creatures. No one has ever actually seen one. It is likely no one ever will.