Meme à chiffres, à combinaison et à drabbles [1]

May 05, 2012 23:30

Un meme 3 en 1~

Step 1: Write down the names of 10 characters.

Step 2: Write a fic of [at least] twenty five words for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. DO NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1: First time 4&6
2: Angst 7
3: AU 1&8
4: Threesome 3,6&9
5: Hurt/Comfort 5&10
6: Crack 1
7: Horror 10
8: Baby Fic 5&9
9: Dark 2&8
10: Romance 4&7
11: Death Fic 2&3
12: AU 8&9
13: Dark 4&3
14: Threesome 5,7,&1
15: Amnesia 2&10
16: Hurt/Comfort 8&5
17: Crack 9&4
18: Genderswap 1&6
19: First Time 2&7
20: Angst 3&8
21: Babyfic 1

Je choisirai mes souffre-douleur plus tard, j'ai du boulot =P A suivre \O/

fanfiction: drabbles, meme à fic, fanfiction

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