Writer's Block: The Greenest Grass

Apr 17, 2009 23:22

Men of course. I hate being female, absolutely hate it. We're such a boring gender: men occupy both extremes of any spectrum while we're the boring, average middle. They are stronger than us, have better skin, don't need make-up, don't go through a pointless biological process every month just so they know they're not pregnant and don't have an impractical reproductive system that is prone to so many problems. They're also better at us at everything: how many female geniuses can you think of compared to male ones?

I don't understand why god (bastard)/evolution made one sex inferior to the other. Until someone points out a kind of advantage women have to make up for all the things only men have then I'm just going to carry on believing that we're the poor sidekick to the sex that has all the good stuff.

writer's block

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