No time to breath

Jul 19, 2005 15:06

Well….I better get in my posting for the month.

Got to visit KK and B’s place at the end of June. Really like it guys, thanks for having us over….sorry we couldn’t hang out longer.

Then the first week of July I spent in New Jersey……train, train station, cab, hotel, another cab, client offices, cab, hotel, cab, client offices, cab, hotel, cab, client offices, cab, train station, train…..not too much to tell there. Very stressful.

Last week, again very stressful….trying to decide if a move is in order. Pro’s and Con’s.
NC - closer to work, less of commute
NC - got some buddies there already
NC - bigger house for the money
NC - parents don’t visit
VA - 70 mile commute one way
VA - no real buddies that ever leave their homes and go out and do anything any more
VA - parents don’t visit

Well there are more pros and cons….not listed here, but still a big decision, but I should be able to sell my house with no problems.

This week….stress-out to the max. Had new rotors put on my new car cause they were bad when I bought the vehicle. Send a big check to Hyundai to payoff old car. Bills….felt horrible all week and last really.

Next week…probably more of the same….lots of Stress.

Hope all of you in LJ land are doing well….drop me a line.
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