Dec 13, 2005 14:54
Yesterday I locked myself in my room for 3.5 hours because I was mad about being grounded and now, I'm grounded from sitting in my room. Can they even do that? If a person is basically under house arrest you'd think that they could at least choose when to lock themselves in their own room! But no I can't.
My Mom seems to be going through the beginnings of "empty nest syndrome" already. The other day (sunday) I mentioned that I would like to move to Chicago or Indiana with Gregg, Erika, and Brian. She flipped. I'm not even really going to consider it until I graduate high school anyway. She was like, "Why do you want to leave me so bad? You and I never talk anymore, we used to have a such a good relationship what happened?" okay just to clear that up for everyone else, my mom and I have a great relationship. Yes it has been better but it's still pretty good.. so she was like crying and stuff about how she was failure as a parent and that it was her fault I want to leave. Truly I want to leave because of my step-dad and the fact that there is nothing in Clinton Township for me, being here won't help my future in any way. I want to get out and explore my options. Plus if I lived in Chicago I would never have to get a license..which is cool for me because I most likely won't anyway. So my mom is a little stressing right now, so if I seem stressed try to understand.
I think this just may be the longest update I have ever produced