Truth Is Public Property Laura Knight-Jadczyk
14 Dec 2006
People sometimes ask how such conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11 could be "covered up without someone from the inside talking." As Harrison Livingstone points out, this is a naive question. If someone is a witness to a murder done by professionals, do you really think they are going to go around blabbing about it? And if the victim is a president, or the people in the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and 4 airliners, it is clear to even the most pedestrian thinker that the crime has been committed by those with great power. Anybody with two firing neurons can figure out that such perpetrators are in such a strong position that protesting or seriously trying to blow the whistle on such an event puts the whistle-blower in the gravest of danger...
~ Read More ~ The Protocols of Zion Protocol Harrison Koehli
Signs of the Times
I've just about had it with the Protocols of Zion. To be more specific, I've had it with ADL spooks and useful idiots propagandizing said document for the purpose of character assassination, guilt by association, and the general spreading of moralistic claptrap. When a document is used by clownish racists (both Jew and Gentile) to incite both 'anti-Semitism' and 'philo-Isrealism' (and its accompanying 'anti-Arabism'), without any interest in facts or reality, something is up. What other document has served so well as propaganda for both sides of an ideological conflict?
~ Read More ~ Omissions In the Iraq Study Group Report by Stephen Lendman
14 December 2006
Noted historian Eric Foner in a December 7 article on OpEd calls George Bush "the worst president in US history....(who) in his first six years in office....managed to combine the lapses of leadership, misguided policies and abuse of power of his failed predecessors." Equally noted historian Gabriel Kolko agrees, and along with his other comments, calls the Bush administration "the worst set of incompetents ever to hold power in Washington." And referring specifically to the war in Iraq, Kolko colorfully describes what former Reagan administration National Security Agency (NSA) chief General William Odom calls "....the worst strategic mistake in the history of the United States" by saying the Bush administration "shocked and awed....itself." Hard to say it better than that.
~ Read More ~ Wretched Excess December 11, 2006
Jim Kunstler
Since the financial "industry" decoupled from the US economy sometime in the past decade, it has been hard to tell, from a chicken-and-egg point-of-view what comes first -- obscenely huge year-end bonuses for Wall Street playas, or jacked up market indices. I mean, do these paper-shufflers get paid extra millions because the Dow goes over 12,000, or do they game the Dow over 12,000 to justify the extra millions? (Or game other sub-systems such as the commodities markets, the derivatives sector, the mortgage rackets, mergers-and-acquisitions, et cetera.) Echo answers. . . .
~ Read More ~ Hollowcaust Hullabaloo by Gabriel Ash
Dec 14, 06
It's been a good week for the Holocaust. It was in the news all the time. Unfortunately, the media excels in not making connections, which leaves me with the joyful job of bringing together all the recent Holocaust news.
In Iran, the clowns at the Foreign Ministry hosted a conference of Holocaust buffoonery graced with the presence of such luminaries as the white supremacist David Duke. In France, Presidential hopeful Segolene Royal stumbled over the question whether she heard the comparison that a Hizbullah deputy made (or didn't make, in Arabic or not, that was or wasn't translated to Royal) between Hizbullah and the French resistance to the Nazis. Royal assured us that any such comparison, which implies some measure of likeness between Nazi Germany and Israel, would be, had it been made, completely "inadmissible, odious, an abomination" (Loubnan Ya Loubnan, December 2006). Finally, before leaving for a visit to Germany, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert gave a speech at the National Holocaust Museum in which he compared Iran to the Nazis and urged Germany to cut its economic ties to Iran.
Let us begin with the third event. This is how Olmert put his case to the Germans: "May I suggest to the German people. . . . You may have an economic interest, you may have a business interest, but you have a deeper and more fundamental moral obligation to yourself, to your history and to your future." (Israel National News, December 11, 2006) In other words, because of the Holocaust, Germany must support Israel's assault on Iran.
~ Read More ~ Mythic Figures Spooking Dubya by William Hughes
"Myths which are believed in tend to become true." - George Orwell
Since the release of the Iraq Study Group report, have you noticed how President George W. Bush, is displaying more often those wild, piercing eyes? Can you see the fear? He's like a character in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment," who has claimed special privileges for himself--like a license to commit crimes--but has been found out! What might be spooking Bush? Could it be his coming impeachment trial by the U.S. Congress? Impeachment is a train without any brakes that has long since left the station. And, with the revelation of every massive lie of the Bush-Cheney Gang, the train picks up even more speed.
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