Apr 11, 2004 13:21
So we were at Saint Francis for mass. The church was crowded so we had to go in the hall where they had the mass on a screen thinger to see. We walk in and my brother is wearing a hat and this old lady yells at him, "take off your hat". Like she said it really rude. So he took it off when he walked by her then he put it back on and then she yelled again louder and ruder, "take off your hat in church". WTF? Does she actual think people will respond to her when she is being rude. The second time she said it I turned around and said, "bitch". I didn't actually think she heard/saw me, but she did. Haha..O well. We weren't even in the actual church and mass hadn't even started yet. Like a couple weeks ago there was this old man who had a hat on in church. Then one of the usher people went out of his way all around the pews(SP?) just to tell the man to take his hat off. Seriously, who really cares? It's not like your trying to be disrespectful by wearing the hat. I don't get why you have to dress a certain way at church to show respect.."GOD" never said, "hey you guys have to dress all nice and you can't wear fucking hats". Stupid Elitest fucks.