I love the rain... let me tell thee why...

Mar 17, 2010 00:02

i love the rain... I've always loved the rain... the wet smells in the air, and the clean feeling later on.

But I must say that I grew even more appreciative of the rain after moving to our current place. Not only does it was the heat away, it also washes all the noise- makers away! :) And of course in view of the recent heat- wave that we've had, it's saved me from hauling out watering- can after watering- can of water to quench the thirst of my parched plants.

Seriously though, my deepest appreciation is for the peace and quiet that it brings in the afternoon. Normally, I would have a gaggle of maids talking, screaming and laughing at the top of their voices right at my door step (the patio actually) while supposedly watching their young charges. Seems to me they spend more energy talking, chatting and snacking than watching the young kids - their expat bosses don't seem to mind, so who am i to disagree?

They've recently even gone as far as to get a big fat mat, set it out on the lawn area right in front of my apartment and have picnics there!! Seriously, 5 steps away from my living room. Talk about double- edged sword... when we bought this place, we were attracted to the lawn area right in front of our unit thinking that it was a nice extension of our patio and that the kids could walk right out and have a little piece of green. But that's turned into a major "sore" area for us because of the noisy maids who gather there all afternoon and evening.

So anyhow, I love it when it starts to rain and the big fat rain drops that plop down send everybody else skedaddling for cover and that's when I can stand at my patio and really enjoy the view and my garden in peace! :)

Look! Nobody in sight at all! Just lovely greenery!

My beautiful frangipani tree in bloom!

And these lovely mini orchids are soaking up the rain as you can see from the very wet leaves.... I had given these up for dead some months back, but strangely, the really hot spell in Feb, combined with the rain of these two weeks wrought a miracle, and the plant which had gone flower- less and brown suddenly came back to life.

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