Dante's Cove (2005) - Ep 1.02

Feb 05, 2010 12:19

Dante's Cove: Season 1 (2005)

Release Date: 2005 - Here!Tv

Episode: 1.02


Dante's Cove Official Site

Dante's Cove Wiki




Rating: 3/5


1/2: In the Beginning (1hr 30mins apx)
2/2: Then There Was Darkness (1hr 30mins apx)

William Gregory Lee: Ambrosius Vallin
Tracy Scoggins: Grace Neville
Charlie David: Toby
Gregory Michael: Kevin Archer
Nadine Heimann: Van
Josh Berresford: Cory Dalmass
Zara Taylor: Amber
Stephen Amell: Adam
And many, many more beautiful people half dressed.


Episode 02: Then There Was Darkness

Having escaped from his prison under the lighthouse Ambrosius sets up a lair within the old lighthouse. Kevin who is now in the hospital due to the slit wrist is called upon by Ambrosius and lured, with out his knowledge, to the lighthouse where he and Ambrosius have sex before he returns to the hospital so no one get suspicious.

Grace, Ambrosius former fiancee, discovers Ambrosius gone and uncovers his attraction to Kevin. In an act of vengeance she enters the hospital as a nurse and kills Kevin. Ambrosius retaliates by imprisoning Grace in the same curse under the house that she once imprisoned him in. He then uses Tresum magic to resurrect Kevin and to enslave Toby and Kevin's friend Cory. Cory is tasked with breaking you Toby and Kevin so that Ambrosius can have Kevin to himself.

Meanwhile Toby and Van investigate Kevin's death and resurrection leading them to discover Tresum magic. Van, who finds the book of magic, locates a spell to break the thrall Ambrosius has over Kevin.

Angry at Kevin and Toby being reunited Ambrosius uses Cory to lure Toby to the peer, he then hits Toby over the head and throws him in the water.

Grace also manages to escape her prison.


Nice continuation from the previous episode. It's very clear that the entire story was written as a single piece and broken in half. This way there is no poor continuity and the story is strong.

Again it's full of bad acting but remains in constant with the previous episode.

We see a lot more of Grace and it's sad to see that her feelings and in fact herself hasn't changed in over 160 years, she is even still wearing the same outfits. The flashbacks show how she was in the past and gie us a look into how she become the person she was.
The flashbacks are actually very well placed to explain the story, there is so much to understand about what's going on without narration that the flashbacks actually help alot.

The main difference with this episode to the previous one is that the story concentrates on fewer characters and gets on with the story, something I totally approve of.


Sex Scene Count... 1 ½ - How disappointing!

Best Scene Award goes to.... Ambrosius luring Kevin to the Lighthouse to have his wicked way

Best Quote Award goes to.... Sadie - “How fragile!” - after throwing down Grace's doll

And this Episodes Worse Actor Award goes to...... Gregory Michael and his tweaked out face and his awful nightmare face.


tv show, m/m, rating: 3/5

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