Dec 29, 2003 08:23
okay - with less than a month to go before the primary i am now ready to get my ass moving (only took me two months on the campaign to get my act together - guess that's a testament to how badly i wanted to cling to my past life - mostly because i was very happy there) i made a clean break with the whole kyle thing and subsequently i have become completely devoted to this campaign - finally. i know everyone thinks i am crazy for how hard i work - but i am enjoying it now because i realize i am learning invaluable skills that will help me accomplish what i want with my life - and that my friend is the key to happiness. i know this sounds all cheesy and trite blah blah blah but i have been reborn. of course, at times like these i also tend to get "manic" or more accurately, i can't sleep because i get so excited and can't stop thinking about all the things i will do tomorrow - after i sleep. so, last night was one of those nights and i ended up watching rosemary's baby on tv. well, i don't actually know if that's what it's called, but i've heard that movie title before and from what i saw of the movie, it would fit. in any case, i loved this movie!!! and i also saw a trailer mystic pizza which i never saw and looked interesting. so, now i am going to try to log into the database again (it was down which is the only reason this entry even happened) but i will try to write again soon - in case anyone is reading (other than christine again).