(no subject)

Feb 13, 2009 06:49

I know I just updated, but really I have nothing else to do... and my brain is melting... and AH! my neck finally cracked in the spot that's been needing it all week. :)
My sleep schedule is SO fucked right now. I was just sitting here thinking about how late it feels (because i got up at 11 am yesterday and haven't slept yet) and the housekeeping staff for the dorm just got off the elevator... making me realize it's almost 7am. And here I am thinking it's like midnight. Jeez.
I seriously think I'm going to skip Latin again today. Freaking 8:30 class. I know that I shouldn't... every class I miss is 2% off my final grade... and I'm pretty sure I've missed like 5 classes by now... (if not more)
And yet... I can't find myself caring that much right now. I feel like I should go sleep as soon as I get off of work, and therefore get up earlier this evening, therefore being able to leave for ghost hunting earlier, which means getting back earlier, (unless I get arrested) which means more sleeping earlier than planned, which means getting up earlier to study more for that bio midterm that is crouching in a preparatory-rape-stage and waiting for 1pm Monday to come so it can jump me.
Seriously, the only action I've been getting is non-consensual and from my classwork.

...yep. My brain is def. melting.
And the sneeze is kicking back in...
Heh. Melty brain + sneeze = sneezing my brain out.

I for real have a mental problem. I'm sure I'll learn what it is in one of my psych classes.

Well, the red hair didn't stick... I used 24 shampoo stuff, and It's been since 2 months since then...
But now I'm hitting the tanning bed, so much as I miss my redness, it just doesn't mesh with my brown-ness.

alpha waves hitting an all-time low....

I'm also extremely jealous that Kyle gets to go get breakfast in 1 minute.
...wonder if he'll offer to get me some again...

On the happy side of sitting here effectively inching closer to the hour that I die, I've had time to make a collective valentine for the guys' suite down the hall from me. (I like all except 1.5 of them)
Since Left 4 Dead is a big hit with them (and me, as I'm attempting to master first-person shooters) I made them a zombie-valentine. :)
It's a zombie pulling his heart out through his ribs, and I typed in "You have my heart... Happy Valentines' Day to My Favorite Boys" lol
I think it will be appreciated, and oddly enough, not creepy. :)
I mean, it would be creepy because of the zombie, but not creepy in the "Is she hitting on one of us?" kind of way. Which is a good thing to avoid when desperately crushing on oe of them and not wanting to arouse the suspicion (or anything else) of the wrong one.

Oy oy oy. This entry is a good one for the exasperated user pic. I'm feelin' it. Because I know I'll be too lazy to go to class in an hour, so I'll skip, which will lead to a minor freak out about how much I've hurt my grade just by being retarded, when in fact the only thing that SHOULD be hurting my grade is stupidity.

...You know, retarded because... skipping class... stupid for not knowing stuff...?

Ugh. I really hope you're amused right now, because IF NOT I'm not doing my job.

Sometimes I really want to be a stand-up comedian, but then I remember that female stand-ups annoy me, and that I choke when given a mic and put in front of an audience, and I realize that it's my destiny to write the material, not perform it.

Which really helps with my self-image, y'know?

Speaking of, if i DON'T skip class for some extra sleep, I'm going to look more like that zombie on the valentine than I ever intended.

Speaking of zombies, (again) the other day the construction guys (who are working on our dorm roof and making the biggest ruckus possible) shorted out something electrical and caused us to rely on backup generators to power our whole building.
Meaning we only had one working elevator.
Take a guess at how many floors out building has.
Really? Wrong!
With the first 14 floors being offices whose elevators don't go up to the residence part, and the 15th floor being the lobby, that leaves 8 floors of res hall, with 6 suites of 8.25 people per floor, and you've got 396 students all wanting to use ONE elevator with a 2500lb weight limit... and it's a mess. Anyway, back to the zombies. (again!)
I live in an honors dorm. Meaning people here are generally more brilliant than those living in our neighboring tower (morrill) and who are forced to take harder classes in a more ridiculous layout and have (oddly enough) dumber advisors helping them schedule their lives.
All this adds up to shit loads of stress.
Which I don't deal with well, hence my being booted from the honors program over the summer due to low GPA.
ANYWAY! Left 4 Dead + 2 elevators broken + brilliant people who recognize this high stress level =s!
a little flyer next to the elevators that has a picture of a zombie labeled Figure 1.0* and a Bit saying "Warning! Elevators Quarantined due to Zombie infestation!
*Figure 1.0 depicts captured zombie- it has been determined that zombification is due to excessive overloads of Honors work."

And I laughed and took it down and hung it up on our common room wall to remind the freshmen I live with to not be a failure like me.

Ok... the hunger pains are getting to where my brain has stopped melting and is shuffling about in protest.
Or something.
Meaning coherency is even farther gone than earlier, and now I have carpal tunnel onset.
this seemed like a long entry... I'll go back and read it and possibly miss all my typos because I'm just that damned tired.
T-minus 38 minutes until comatose peace sets in. (if the construction workers don't hammer in my ceiling)

who is SOL
and DOHF


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