Yeah - I suck at coming up with title to my journal. I guess 'omlette' is now a kind of reference to Doctor Who, particularly The Master. Something me and Emma-sama were laughing about yesterday. (^D^)LOL!!
I'm just typing stuff for the hell of it to be honest. I updated my LJ profile, new pictures to indicate my fandoms and shizz. Although I haven't really joined any communities, but still - I love them all the same!
I just realised how cheap Prince of Tennis cosplay sports kit are on ebay. I mean REALLY cheap... Some of them are about £12 and that's both fixed outfit price AND postage. I may get one for the hell of it. I think I'd make a really good Kaidoh... I don't look exactly like him (for example, he's Japanese and a boy and I am neither) but I think I could make a decent one next time a cosplay chance comes up...which isn't often *SIGH* (woah, almost typed SIGN instead there...). This is Kaidoh:
SNAKE-SHOT!! I love Naoya's version <3. XD
Okay - so he's not really the most bishonen character (and I usually like cosplaying those sorts) but then Kankurou wasn't-! Anyway, just me musing for future cosplay, ya know? Awesomeness. You know, I never liked PoT before when I first got into manga, but to be honest it's good! I hate sports, but I love sports manga... (Gothic Sports and Prince of Tennis ftw) Actually, I like sports...if its just running around and being an idiot >:9
(^0^)V ~ Have a good life, nya~~!