Heroes Episode 20 Re-look and Promo for next ep!

Mar 24, 2009 17:31

1) "Cold Snap" = Episode 20 of Season 3 of Heroes!

But first:
Disclaimer: I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH HEROES IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM NO MATTER HOW MUCH I WISH I WAS. Srsly. I would totally serve tea there, but unfortunately am English - which is many miles away from LA - and am only a young fan who wants to share the Heroes love - be it to encourage new fans, or humour normal ones, or just clog up the F-list of my pals here. Anywho, I gain no money or street-cred and Heroes belongs to NBC and Kring and all others who have a stake in it. This doesn't reflect anyone's opinions other than mine. Which are crap anyway and vaguely muddled. My love to those involved in this wondrous and entertaining show. It's inspired. <33

We begin with the Hunter (Danko-chan from here on...) shaving his face. Although to be honest he didn't really need to shave. But hey! Whatever. I don't get a stubbly chin so wtf do I know! :3
But he suspects mindeffery is happening somewhere in his house.
And it is.
Albeit a weird gift. Puppet Guy. In a red ribbon (SQUEE~ How gothically adorable...?). And drapery hung all around. Someone wanted to give him a twisted Alice in Wonderland gift.
I think the cat is Sylar - - and I say 'cat' because, I am sure, cats bring home dead/half-dead animals to their owners in a sort of: OHHH AREN'T I SO CUTE AND NICE TO YOU *MROWL*? In this case, Sylar has brought home a half-dead man and last time he brought the Hunter home a dead (stuffed) rabbit. 'Nuff said. >_> Unless it isn't him.
And it IS just a mass-on cat bringing him home stuff.
Hope Danko-chan isn't a dog person... Him and Mr. Muggles could be friends if so... BUT ANYWAY!

HRG and Angela are BFF's obvz. And HRG can't shave? Interesting.

Momo falls for another OBVIOUS trap. OHHH MOMO. You silly boy. Still, I think you're cute so I'll let it pass. >_>;; I guess... Danko-chan pretends that the Puppet Guy is a gift from himself, but we all know about the cat problem (see above)

Hiro and Ando have the CUTEST side to this episode with the Baby!Parkman dealio. I love the whole Mommy/Daddy thang goin' on. Ando pretending to be a mother - although slightly bizarre - was f*cking adorable. XDDDDD LOL I laughed so hard in that scene. And Hiro is a stern father, like his own XDD :D Oh and yeah the Baby's abilities were also awesomesauce. Although I face-desk'd a bit much thanks to the idiocy of the duo. OF COURSE THE BABY IS ALSO CALLED MATT. THIS IS NOT TREK. HE IS NOT MATT. XDDDD Ohhhhhh those two~~

Angela dreams of ambush.
Ambush happens.
I yell: OHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~ snap.
Angela is a real sneaky biznatch with her wiley dark coat wearin' ways. XDD HAHAHA She's so awesome. She also totally copied that woman off that advert -- you know the one. Where she's a middle-aged woman suddenly filled with confidence and she goes and runs under that younger bloke's umbrella? Well, it's on TV... ANYWAY That scene was clearly a remake of that. Angela you sneak! <33 Gah, she's so cool. Coolest female this season Y/Y??

Rebel helps Tracy out of a fairly warm situation - kind of HRG's plan, like but wth.
She finds the Hospital Macabre or whatever and saves Sleepy!Matt, Momo and Dead-ish!Daphne. Hurrah for all involved. And HURRAH for Matt's super powers of persuasion. Cue ER like scene in which Daphne is put on a gurney (finally know what one of THOSE is... >_> _< ) and is carted away. Poor Matt. Poor Daphne. Poor lonely Momo.

Tracy don't care though. She's got new shoes.
And HRG is her fiance... Ohhh HRG you sly dawg you. XDDD LOL that woman in the boutique called BS. AND WHY DID HRG TAKE OFF HIS GLASSES??? XDDDD It does not make you look young and naive at all. It makes you look like Jack Coleman... >_>;;
Halpings are needed from HRG to Tracy. Catch Rebel = MORE SHOES. Well, that's bait enough... D:<

Creepy Monkey guy falls off of table and Hiro is sad about his own mommy. OHHH YOU TWO... D:

Micah? Micah!! *celebrates* I FUCKING KNEW HE WAS REBEL! (No Molly but oh well) HAHAHAHAAH YATA!! :DDD And so on and so forth. I'm so cool~ XD

Undignified!Angela wants Redhead!Woman's spare change. Woman calls BS. Angela's friends are so very like her. Angela wants to help her sons - but she might get caught. Woman gives rubbish advice. "OMG GET CAUGHT ANGEY"...Yeah, good one.
Angey steals umbrella (her sock!theft skills are paying off thur guys...) and takes some cash. FYI A COUPLE OF HUNDRED DOLLARS IS NOT SPARE CHANGE REDHEAD!WOMAN DDDD:<<<

Hiro and Ando redo a scene from ET that used to disturb me as a child. The fact that (LOLOMGYAYLOVE) Janice caught them so fast is not a surprise. >_>;; I mean COME ON. D:, FYI once more I LOL'd very hard at this point in the show. AHAHAHAH Ahh that Baby is a comedy genius <33 XDD
Janice does not understand why her baby must be taken by the government and she thinks Matt is a terrorist. Thank goodness this season she was a little more light-hearted and helped in Hiro and Ando's plan - - although it totally phailed. D:
BUT THEN: Baby's magical ability gives Hiro some of his own powers back (YAY!!) and a tiny Yata is had by all - well the baby and Hiro. HURRAH. But no teleportation. So Matrix!Ando is shoved in a wheelbarrow.
Now this IS a weird scene because, say you were watching, I DUNNO season one - all that time ago, right? - and Future!You comes back in time and says: "OH HAI. Did you know that in season 3.5 - AKA 4 - Hiro will have a baby strapped to his chest and will be wheeling Ando in a wheelbarrow 12 miles in the bright sunshine?" You'd tell them to STFU and GTFO, ja? Ja. Hence the reason why this scene TOOK THE BISCUIT AND THE WHOLE FUCKING FRIDGE. XDD

Ms. Stefani begs to differ. It took me ages to figure out it meant Gwen Stefani. MY GOD I AM SO SLOW. And Matt is happy and nice to healthy Daphne and Daphne is a bitch back. OH DAPHNE YOU MUST MARRY AND BE MERRY WITH MATT AND LIVE IN A NICE PINK HOUSE WITH THE TURTLE. <- Okay maybe I went a BIT far but after all he's done for her, well, it's just cruel to turn him down... *sad face is had by all except Daphne who buggers off*

Micah confronts Tracy and his voice has broken! I was shocked. HE'S AGED SO MUCH SINCE EARLY THIRD SEASON. It's true. Boys do grow up ridiculously fast. He's still awesome as ever and is shocked !SHOCKED! that Tracy would be so stupid to betray him and his computering ways. But all is not lost. The two embark together on a mission, bad guys or not. GO MICAH GO!! <- I cheer on that kid so much - he's the only one with guts enough to set up an Avengers/JLA style thang. All the others are too effing sheepish. I think I'd do what Micah is doing and be effing awesome if I had powers.

Angie runs away from men (or at least 'WALKS REALLY FAST OUT') and then is saved by Peter. No Nathan or Claire this episode (or Sylar but the last episode had plenty of him and this episode was effing awesome so I don't mind toooo much).

Micah runs away and Tracy's ability is used to the MAX. The Cold Snap happens and reveals that although her power is awesome and when used to it's full potential is gorgeous and scary, it also sucks as it killed her (-_-;) I now miss Tracy a lil bit but not too much. Danko-chan didn't slip over on that ice...how unfortunate. That would have been the icing on the metaphorical cake that. DDD: He also shoots Tracy and she shatters. And then winks. >_>;;; Could have done without the wink. Or was it a blink? Either way WTH??

Barbara soon, ja?? Is she going to be a 'hoe' like the other sisters? (Not the farming equipment LOL)

Hiro tells the Baby it can cry. And we LOL more about Wheelbarrow!Ando. OHHH Pink!Lightning you do make me ROFL.

Daphne also re-enacts a TV advert: I LOVE TO DANCE!! <- If I say that some of you may know what I mean. Now this scene here was painfully misleading. Matt can fly... So brother and I go OMG IT'S SYLAR HE HAS NEW ABILITIES AND HE CAN SHAPESHIFT. And we presume that he will drop her as they fly high above the Eiffel tower, okay? No. Although rewatch that scene - he was acting Sylar-ish. I would not call that romantic in the slightest Matt you looked evil. XDD Okay maybe it was because I had come to the wrong conclusion and was analysing everything too much. Anyway we realise it was all a beautiful dream conjured by Matt into Daphne. And she dies. DDD: Aw hell no. DD:< Damn it.
And the Matt/Daphne storyline ends.

*Curtain reopens*
Petri Dish and Angel Cake now live in the Statue of Liberty's brain.


Overall: An excellent episode full of LOL's and answers and with the loss of a character we gain a new one! Although he has no lines other than LOL'ing and drooling and so on. >_> The loss of two female Heroes leads me to think: HEY is one of those permanent and the other temporary? Hmmm... Could Daphne be injected with life blood from Claire and thus come back to life like with HRG in s2 when he got shot in the eye?? Or will it be Tracy who is resurrected via, I have no idea, melting her and then she, like, reforms like the, what is it?, T-1000 or whatever one it was? You know the melting metal guy. Oh god I am so sorry Terminator fandom. DD: I haven't seen the movie in a while... >_>;; And am WAAYYYY too lazy to check.

Okay let's have the video first~ :D

PROMO EPISODE 21: "Into Asylum" Oh lookie hyur.
"America's favourite pyscho serial killer is back on the prowl..." HELL YEAH~ Also the UK's favourite, GAWD. XDD Also Drenched!Sylar is love. OHHH IS THIS THAT SNEAKY THING THAT SOME GUYS FILMED WHEN ZQ WAS ON A ROOFTOP BEING DRENCHED BY SPRINKLERS? I mentioned it a while back. I think it is. OH SWEET. BTW are we coming to the end of this season? I hope to god they make more seasons after this one. Without Heroes...omg DD: The thought of it ending is sad. So let's make the most of this season? Y/Y?
FYI: Prowl? Okay if that doesn't sound like MROWL then you've got problems: Sylar=Cat.

"You fascinate me" - If there isn't some fic by somebody at some point in some part of the world I will eat my metaphorical hat. Ohh fandom. XDD How you plague us so <33 LOL - Anyway weird, scary pairing to be sure. DNW.

Cue flashing images: Sylo on phone (once again that video and sneaky photos had ZQ on the phone to someone was it this or was he on his break when he was using the phone? Either way thur we go). Danko-chan and Sylar are gonna be BFF's. And look Claire with a fringe. Apparently she's ran off (flown off even) to Mexico with Nathan. Nice. No one will suspect that you have gone on the lam to Mexico. The very idea is prepostrous. XDD *eye-roll* (-__-;;;)

And more friendship convo between Danko and Sylar. XDDD Oh these guys.

BTW: Luke Campbell? Do want. BRING HIM BACK. D:<


Angela and Petey move out of the Statue of Liberty's brain and into a magical land called...Church. D:, Great...

Despite being, technically, atheist (or agnostic on a good/bad day) churches still look kind of pretty. This is a nice shot therefore...

"Mom, you need to do something with your hair" -- Damn right.

Petey thinks his mum's impression of Nun!Maya is stupid.

Hope this has mildly entertained you.
Probably not, LOL.
I am so very tired today so the wtfery is average at best.
Anyway: great episode.
Can't wait for the next one.
Feel free to comment.

mindfudge, super hiro and kid ando, superpowers, heroes, acting, the hunter, my name is sylar!, tv, fangirling, wtfery, wtf

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