I came home early. It's week two on the timetable, so hi!
I have a meeting at work today at...around...6-ish so I need to get a bus around 4-ish... It's in York so I'll be shopping beforehand.
MOAR VICT0RIAN LIT3RATUR3!!11!! <- Reason #456 why 1337 (l33t) never looks right with that sentence... >.>;;
And on Thursday *which I forgot all about* I have a trip out of school for cultural/creative-interested-types who would like to know what VERY limited occupation *probably* is in those fields. So I miss debate team D: Which sucks coz this topic (about celebrities and their privacy) is a topic dear to my heart... I was on the team saying that they should be allowed to live private lives too... UGH. DDDDD: I would have so much to say about that DDD:, Sorry guys...
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Heroes, although I would love to. I don't own any of the actors either, which REALLY sucks. Oh and btw I have not got any access to information to it - this is an INCREDIBLY late spoiler post as your darling hostess here has been sat watching Buffy episodes too much to notice - oh and she couldn't find these till the last minute. And she was working all day yesterday... So yeah. NOTHING IS MINE. Pictures found on a site, their credit is seen in the corner of the pics. My love to Kring, NBC, and all affiliated. :DD <33
"I'm too old for this shit..." LOL. Poor HRG -- this is not a good episode for you, judging by the trailer. Don't worry - I like the ambiguous, morally-grey, anti-heroes so I don't hate you, much. Apart from when you double-crossed Momo. Ouch.
Of course Matt is reading your mind, HRG. Look how he's stood. XDD Matt hates HRG too much. Didn't they work together in season one? WHERE'S THE LOVE, GUYS?? Sigh. XDD Momo is thinking about modelling.
PETE: Whoa, Matt. Calm down. And do you even know what one of 'those' is?
HRG: ...
MOMO: My God, I can hear my own heartbeat with this thing... STUPENDOUS~! <3 *in relation to the stethescope*
Petey saw wut ya did thar.
MOMO: I can hear my effing hand now?! My God, whoever invented this was a GENIUS. D:<
Kinda reminds me of me and my friends in the school's noisy library. Sat around. Discussing randomosity and life. Oh and how awesome Dan Byrd is (which I discuss if Scully is sat next to me XDD).
Mohinder. Doing medical-sorta-things. Hmm... HRG is not having a good season... Is Momo saying: HE'S DEAD. I reckon HRG is one of those people who can slow their heartrates RIGHT~~ down. Srsly. If he says that, that's what's going on. <- If I am right I win 10 points.
WRITERS: We've broken Momo, now it's YOUR turn... MUWAHHAHAHAHAHAH <- What I would say if I was one of them, obvz.
Matt. Smoking an invisible cigarette, y/y? (Y)
SIGH. I wanna meet Grunny and hug him :3 <33 I missed the chance to see him coz he was in London... UGH. COME UP NORTH~~~ DD:<
No Sylorz, or anyone other than these guys. I think it's a flashback episode or just one that's gonna focus on these blokes coz let's be honest their screentime has been nil compared to Claire and the rest.
Although can we has more Byrd and Fish-Boi-Geek-Guy nao plz??
HAHAH I am unashamedly biased. >:D
Still: Looking forward to it. Matt is cool as is HRG (+ the other two are if they're not being idiots) so it should be a tense and angsty episode. Well, less angst more OMGMINDF*CKERY. :D SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH.
PS: OMG HEROES STARTS ON BBC2 TONIGHT AT 9PM FELLOW UK-PEEPS!! OMGOMGOMG (although she's already seen these episodes but whatever. I want my actors to get their moneys now, y/y? :D <33) --Will be squeeing inaudibly later today (and the second episode is on BBC3 straight after OMGGGG~~ :DDD)
Will be watching the second one too and cheering. A lot. >.>;; <.<;; :DD