1) I am going to be revising the Criminal Law courts in literally a couple of minutes (as much as I want to stay on here amongst fandom and fandom-lovers but I need another AS level...SIGH. DDDD:,)
2) Started new section of Psychology. We're doing ten different sections on studying human behaviour and so on. The one we are on now is Conformity and why we like to wear the things we do (is it because we like the design, or are we all wearing lapland hats because one guy thought it looked cool? - I do not wear hats in case you were wondering: especially not aforementioned hat >.<;;) - BASICALLY we're learning how everyone is a sheep conforming to the herd: people who think they DON'T conform actually conform to a group OF supposedly non-conformists etc. It's a pessimistic view on how we all follow others. I think it's to do with being a human: humans don't live alone normally, even when we were more ape than man we hung out with other apes and discussed...trees or summat. So yeah. Conformity. Depressing, non-individualistic stuff. I guess if you worry you're the odd one out it's okay: you are, in a sense, conforming to a group of odd one's who are indeed out. DDD: This is muddling my mind even though I kinda get it... Ugh. Moving on~ ♫
'Quinto was asked which TV shows he watches. "For the ten last years, I have watched 'The West Wing', 'Six Feet Under' and 'In Treatment', which is about a therapist and his disastrous private life. I remain fascinated by psychology." '
I need little more encouragement to carry on Psychology at A Level now! XDDD (LOL I was always going to carry it on but that just made me smile... -- I
did just find that over here...)
Found on the same site
is this amazing video!! If you ever wondered what Sylar sounds like in French you now know. XD Wish I had found it a couple a weeks earlier for the New Year~
AND OMG ZQ has new hair?! And one helluva a nice suit <33
And there is of course Chris Pine looking like a pretty suave Kirk. (Such a cute bowtie!! XD )
Srsly, so wanna see that film. Merry Month of May? Hurry the eff up, kk?!!1!11!
And finally - I heard a rumour about Heroes: I have no idea if it IS true or not but apparently either Hayden or Larter wants off of Heroes. Many fans are yelling: D:< OMFG THAT IS NOT EVEN TRUE SOMEONE MADE IT UP!!11!! - so I don't know but I figure I might as well mention it in case it becomes something later on. I guess somebody might have taken something too literally, but wtf I'll just say my piece and then go and revise: my bets if it IS true that it would be more likely to be Larter - but that said, let me stress it's probably not true; although it does fit in a little with the rumour of a female character's death should ANY of these rumours be true. I'll keep you updated ♥
The link is to hide the ZQ/Heroes fangirling/pictures/videos from you guys if you're not part of that fandom.
Much love~~ :DD