...The new episode of Heroes (episode 12) was...so mixed.
It was like: OMG YAY! :DDDDD for the most part...
But then the end.
My favourite character has ISSUES.
And they just got WORSE.
...So much for the future...
*Before anyone asks - no I am not having a beef about this. I loved the episode dearly but am so (T.T) over the ending. It was a good ending but it has made me die a little inside.
I guess that's probably a good thing... In a way.
I liked that episode very much but I was either:
A) Going AWWWWW~!! <333
C) DDDD:, NO!!
E) :D
F) All of these pretty much simulataneously.
SYLAR...!!! WHY?!! You were so close to being awesome.
And the Petrelli!Angst just got worse...
I was cheering on Sylar in the HRG vs Sylar fight but I was also like: DDD: NOT BENNET!!!
So yeah. I was pretty much on the edge of my seat throughout.
I am glad the Haitian talks a lot more now. He's cool~! He was so brave! :D
And Nathan is being an ass again.
And Elle. OH ELLE T.T Don't leave us Kristen Bell I <3 you!! *Favourite female in the show next to Daphne*
But yay for Daphne and Matt!! *Is it odd that I wanna use Japanese honorifics when I write their names...? XD*
DAPHNE-CHAN!!! XDDDD Scarecrow friend is friendly?
What else can I squee about...?
LOL at the man in the supermarket with the sticker gun pretending it was lazer gun - LOLworthy really. I like how he just meanders away when Sylar threw cash at him too. Good thinking (?)
I so want this season on dvd. I love it~~
And Mohinder. I felt sorry for Flint. And his Lighter of Doom. God, Momo is so violent. What was he thinking?! Although the little: OH NO I CAN'T SEE MAYA WITH ROACH HANDS!! DDD: *hide behind wall* was adorkable.
XDDDD And how much I want to go to that comic book shop!! <333 I saw a cardboard cut out of Rurouni Kenshin in the background HAAHAH. XDD I was so trying to see what manga was in the background and totally jealous of Hiro's box of 9th Wonders.
I know there's a Heroes graphic novel *and I love it dearly* but I would totally love it if they actually publish the 9th Wonders...I mean, they seem to look like real comics...albeit some of the pages are probably fakes, like. But hey - I would totally pay £20 for a book with a ton of those issues in. I see money for you Kring if you guys do this. XDDD If Tim Sale has time of course... XDDD
But yeah. It was an awesome episode...but the ending was...DDDD: I need to see the next episode...and now remembering that massive spoiler pic from a week ago of the next episode has me thinking: Goodbye KB... DDD: NOOOO. T_T
Oh yeah it seems I was right with one of my theories of that spoiler pic. It is a bandage on Elle's leg, and now I understand the blood-stained clothes and leg.
Has he actually killed Elle though...it looked like a shallow cut...but then...yeah. I think he might have.
If KB is leaving...I will be so sad... >.<;; Sigh. But then at least most of my other faves are still alive.
Shame most of the season two characters are out now... I quite liked Adam >.>;;;
I got home early today. I took the bus home. The usual Leeds/York bus. It was nice. I didn't have to walk all the way home *from one side of town to the other...* with my scarf over my nose and mouth like a bandit...and my bright orange gloves. I was wearing a hat however. I don't normally as friends will know I have issues with finding an affordable/unembarrassing/decent-looking hat. I have the right sized head - it's more of a case of being unable to fork out a twenty for a freaking hat, y'know? Although those fedora-style ones are tempting...but I have nothing that goes with it. I totally still want a Loli Bonnet like. I love bonnets. XDD But I kinda need a Gothloli dress. And I have no idea where to acquire one for a decent price. And of good quality. I think Baby, The Stars Shine Bright maybe a LITTLE outta my price range, LOL! :DD
I have to finish English Literature Cwk. Yes. King Lear. Deaths of bad daughters. Sigh. So...very...tiring... Have to put footnotes in the bastard and everything. I mean, seriously... >.>;;
I am also extremely hungry. But heck I can wait a bit.
I ought to let the dog outside actually. Okay.
I'll do that and then redo the footnotes in my essay that are supposedly all wrong...and hopefully finish it.
And then revise psychology for a mini-test tomorrow. Ugh.
I hate tests.
I hate learning.
XDDD Good job I am in sixth form, neh? :DDD