Challenge #132

Jun 27, 2006 08:51

There's a simple answer to that.

You might think it's Snape for betraying Dumbledore’s trust; or Voldemort for being, well, himself.

It could easily be Draco Malfoy and his snotty, holier than thou attitude, or the way he looks at my sister and calls Hermione names.

It could be Percy, the tosser, for turning his back on the family. Or really anyone talking bad about my family in any way.

Homework on a Saturday. My mum forgetting that I don't like corned beef. Everyone treating me like a child when I'm not and haven't been, not really, for a very long time.

Truthfully you'd be right for thinking any of those things. I'm not exactly known for my even temper. But what makes me angriest? Simple.


No one, no thing and no event can get under my skin and make me angry the way she can. Doesn't mean I don't care about her. Because I do. Doesn't mean I hate her. Even when I thought I did, I didn't. It just is what it is.

The other side of the coin is that no one, no thing and no event can make me smile quite like she can, can make me laugh or cry like she can. Not a thing out there makes me feel like she can, even when she's making me mad.

Muse: Ron Weasley
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word Count: 225
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