Title: Road Trip
Series: The {Boss's} Worst Dreams 2/?
Author: Chymom
Characters/Parings: Colby/Charlie, Don, Alan, David, Megan, Liz, and OC.
Rating: PG-13 in parts. However some of it is closer to R for language and adult content.
Spoilers: Any and all episodes of Numb3rs maybe talked about within.
Summary: What is the trip "Home" like for Michelle? What happens when she gets there?
Disclaimer: I do not own Numb3rs, the people, places, or things you know.
Word count: 1,749 words
Beta: Cassy 27 and myself
A/N: Mike is my own person he is an officer at the LAPD. He is also Liz's boyfriend that Don tells Robin about in Living Nightmare. Like LN this story is AU in parts as well.
Warring: This chapter and most of the rest of this story has forced sex talk and some language within.
The {Boss's} Worst Dream
chapter two: Road Trip )