You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

May 06, 2006 23:00

Guh. News media sickens me.

For those of you living under a rock (Pun sorta intended) 11 days ago a mine collapsed here in australia, trapping two miners in an elevator. Sor for eleven days there have been non-stop efforts to dig them out. Now don't get me wrong. It's terrible what's happened, and I really do hope they are retrieved, safe and well.

Right now it's about five hours away from when it's expected rescue crews will have broken through to them. I'm trying to watch Swordfish. Swordfish is a great film. It's also being punctuated intermittantly by 10 minute news updates of news crews waiting for these men to be dug out. The thing is, these updates aren't any kind of news. The best they can tell us is that they're still digging. So rather than leaving it at that, they decide to waste an extrodinary amount of time by interviewing people off the street. How is this news? It's garbage. It goes something like this:

So, do you hope they get out alive?


Anything you're looking forward to tonight?

"Ummm....when they get out."

Anything you'd like to say to those miners?

"I hope you get out ok."

Truly, this is deeply profound stuff. To top it off, they're calling the miners heroes. I mean, I really wish them the best. But how does getting trapped in a mine make you a hero? It cheapens the word.
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