Good evening :D For me it is at least.
Just watched the Vampire Diaries - 2x06 "Plan B" and really loved it.
So I opended PS since a long time again and made a mini picspam!
Wow, yay me! You can't believe how proud I am about it, haha. Even some icons came out.
Pictures and some comments are under the cut because of possible spoilers
First of: Katherine is so superevil!
The Elenea/Stephan shipping part of me really hates her because of making all that terror to tear them apart but another part deep inside starts to really sympathize with her. You just can't be sure what she will do superevil next. It's kind of terrifying but also exciting. In the end I'm just confused with my thoughts about her. Like in todays episode. Weird much?
It was so sad in the end *pouts*
But I really loved how emotional Stephan reacted. This was the first time he really showed what he felt IMO. Especially when he doas that wiht his lip. Sweet.
Before that he was always that lovely but reserved hot vampire guy.
pictures from homeofthenutty.
So I'm off the bed, sorting my thoughts and warming up myself because it's just antarctic cold in here! And it's just end of october! T_T