Oct 30, 2004 03:15
DeBlasphemeaux: are you down with g-o-d?
wundurshark: crazy jew!
DeBlasphemeaux: don't mind if i jew!!!!
wundurshark: jew you wanna cookie?
DeBlasphemeaux: only if i can have some apple jewce with it.
wundurshark: no, you have to dip it in au jew.
DeBlasphemeaux: what jew implyin', fool?
wundurshark: what is this, jewnior high?
DeBlasphemeaux: no, but jew know what it is? jew guessed it! jewphoric!
wundurshark: i think someone had too many jewjew bees.
DeBlasphemeaux: screw jew, jew donkeyface!
wundurshark: how dare you talk to me that way, you jewdas!!
DeBlasphemeaux: jew gotta be kidding me. this is getting old. goonight, jew crazy donkeybumbum.
wundurshark: yes, let's adjewr for the night. adjew, jew bummydonkdonk.