Sep 20, 2006 20:20
Hello all. First off, I would like to thank those who has replied to my previous journal entry. It really ment a lot to me. I would like to thank Ardor_Inferi, Issarlk <3, DarkFireNeko, Loron Ostrey, Kaspersq, Zaylas The Bard, WildeWolfMan, and the anonymouses who took the time to write and reply ^_^. Love to you all!
Am I an American?: Well, this is a big question. I visited my folks today to hang out, plus it was my mother's bday, so I had to go and hang out with her. Dad and I were talking until he popped some questions about politics and health issues that were talk about on the news. I told them that I dont have cable in my place and I dont buy the newspaper. he got a little mad because I am so out of touch with what is happening in the world today. He asked me if I voted yesturday, but I told him that I was at work all day. He then asked me about the spinach poisoning. I told him that I dont eat that stuff. ( eeww ) He started to go about that I must be informed about the world around me and be a resorceful American. I said nothing after that. In many ways, I dont see myself as an American because we have ass-hole and greedy people running out land and lives. America is the Big Bully of the world because we have the biggest army and deadliest weapons on the face of the earth and we can go around and take whatever land we want. I do not wish to be called an American if people from other contries and islands think of us as ruthless and bullying the world.
Must I obey Bush?: This goes with my first question above. With him in office, no, I dont think of myself as an American and no, I do not agree with anything our president says or does. I am against all wars that we are part of or that was started. Bush said that this war is to fight terrisim. HELLO! PEOPLE! Bush is a Terrorist! He is ignoring the rules of combat and leadership and thrusting his head first into Iraq and Iran and attacking them without second thoughts. Our Allies from other contries tried to get Bush to not start a war, but he didn't listen. he is just "following his father's footsteps". He is killing innocent people from our side and their side. What kind of leader is that? Many people say that Bush is the Devil. hell, a religious five year old can point that out. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad quoted that "We are all people." I agree with him on that ( however, I dont agree with him that iserial ( jews ) should be wiped off the face of the earth because they took their land. Understandable, but yet what he said connected to Hitler's way of thinking ( scary ). Iraq now says "Death to America". How scary is that?! Some Americans also say "Death to Iraq". Alot of people can get very offended is someone refers to an important figure's way of thinking or actions in a negitive way, espessially if it is connected to the Bible. That how war starts, by words, negitive actions and karma. But yet, we dont understand it. Its like small children just talking off until someone one says something very harmful and starts a fight.
Is the paper a lengthy drama novel? I dont and cant get into political and diplomatic arguments of discussions because it is confusing and plus..heh.. I dont read up on it. Many reasons why I dont watch the news or read teh paper is because there is nothing but sadness in them. Everytime I watch teh news at my folks house, it is always a flood, fire, murder, rape, homicide and war that is on. Nothing happy and if there is, it will only be a small 2 minute blurb. Same with the papers. Its the same thing. The last time I picked up a paper was on break at work. What did I see? "Teacher convicted of raping 20 students", "Kidnapping that led to Homicide", "Medical malpractice leads to murder" and "War with Iraq". What was the happiest artical in the paper? OO! 20% off panties from Victoria Secret! LOL! Its nothing but drama. Thats it! It scares me half to death that we live in a world where we feed and live off of violence and distruction, mostly from our hands and not the weather. Its sad.
Conclusion: I think I am doing my part as an "American" citizen because I pay my Taxes and bills, I have a job, I have a roof over my head, I vote when I can, I help other people, I am kind to my fellow man and family...I mean, thats all that I am doing and I think that is enough. I dont want to join any Army or Navy to be a FULL American citizen because I am against the war and I dont like fighting. My own friend was in the Army and he had to shoot innocent people because "he had to". He constantly has nightmares about the war. That is not very promicing. Plus, taking a life...That must be very hard and sad. You ended someone's life, someone who didn't want to die. I can imagine how much that would hurt as a scar on your heart.
Well, that is it. I guess I would call myself an American if we have a REAL president in office ( one who would think TWICE before acting! ), but those comes as rare as finding a 1930s pennie on the ground. Thanks for reading. I hope I did not cause any ruccus because I talked down on the president.
- Love you all.