[ooc: A lot of character information about my muse, Nathaniel Essex]

Feb 20, 2008 14:42

A very interesting meme about Essex I stole from Summers_Grey!

The Character Physically

1. What is the character's stature and build? Is he overweight? Thin? What is his height and weight?
Nathaniel is 6'5 and weighs about 250 pounds. He's very fit, muscled, and toned. Most of that is due to Apocalypse's alterations (and some of his own), but Nathaniel was a tall man as an unaltered mortal, though he was a bit lankier than he is currently.

2. How old is he?
188. Nathaniel was born on Nov. 1, 1820. He was forty-two when he met Apocalypse and Rebecca died.

3. Describe his posture. Is it good? Does he carry hisself well? Is he crooked? Straight?
Nathaniel has impeccable posture, and stands very straight. He stands very still, and never fidgets. Things like stretching, yawning, are all things he's only begun to do recently after Rachel and the Phoenix returned his emotions.

4. Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?
Impeccable shape, and Nathaniel has enhanced strength.

5. How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Nathaniel has a healing factor, so he does not suffer from illness or injury. However, Apocalypse's gift came with a price; his healing factor hurts when it works, often worse than the small inflicted pain.

6. Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?
He can be both; Nathaniel is capable of moving very quickly when necessary, and is also able to be perfectly still for long periods of time.

7. Is he clumsy, awkward, graceful?
Physically, he's very graceful. Nathaniel learned to fight on Apocalypse's ship, and does so very gracefully. He can still waltz and do social dances that have long fallen out of style. He moves very stealthily, which is a type of grace. He's not graceful in the water, which he hates.

8. Does he move in straight or curved lines? Is he physically tight or fluid?
Physically tight, very straight. Nathaniel can be fluid when he fights, but mostly, he's very rigid, very controlled.

9. What are his chief efforts?
Science, research, logic. Everything he has ever done has been in pursuit of knowledge.

10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?
As a mortal, he was not precisely attractive but he was striking; very dark hair, bright blue eyes. As he is now, he is distinctive and somewhat frightening, appearing very cold and remote. Lately, his features have relaxed a bit, but it would not be something most people would notice.

11. Is the character aware of hisself physically? his looks?
The most distinctive features of which he is aware, physically, are his eyes and his hair. Nathaniel still wears his hair as he did when he was mortal; he has thick, straight black hair he still wears long and back in a ponytail, and a goatee (though it is trimmed shorter than he wore it when he was a mortal). He is very aware of his eyes, which have no pupils. Nathaniel knows this can be very disconcerting, and uses that knowledge appropriately.

12. Describe his complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?
As a mortal, he was somewhat fair skinned with a reddish complexion, owing to some Irish ancestor. As he is now, he has abnormally white skin, and a diamond mark on his forehead. Nathaniel could hide the mark, psychically, if he wished, but he does not. He considers it a mark of pride to have survived Apocalypse's enslavement, and a testament to his years working to destroy his hated former master.

13. Describe his hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?
Nathaniel has thick, long black hair. It is very straight. He usually washes it and puts it back in a ponytail. It is very rare that anyone sees him with it down.

14. How is his usual dexterity? Does he have good hands: Can he do things? Is he a worker?
Nathaniel is very good with his hands; he's very capable of fixing anything that breaks, be it an appliance, an electronic, or something more practical. He can be a worker, though he has been known to delegate tasks he perceives as unworthy or beneath his intelligence to others.

15. Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?
Very, very controlled.

16. What are his chief tension centers?
His shoulders, and he has a tendency to rub his temples. He doesn't get headaches there anymore, but he used to. This is again a more recent gesture, as many of his past human habits are returning along with emotions.

17. What part of his body would you notice first?
His eyes, most likely. Also, he has very long fingers.

18. Describe his basic gravity factor. Is this a downward pull or buoyancy?
Downward pull. Nathaniel fills up the space he is in inhabiting, for the most part. He is also strangely charismatic despite being rather cold. People who don't have reason to hate him generally find him somewhat fascinating.

The Character's Clothes

1. How much clothes does this character have?
A fair enough amount. Nathaniel is not very interested in clothing, so he tends to favor somber, dark colors in nice fabrics.

2. What items are in their wardrobe?.
He wears a suit and tie every day, weather he is working or not, over which he wears a labcoat. Nathaniel favors long-sleeved, cotton shirts and trousers when he is not working. He does not own jeans (he thinks they are pedestrian) or khakis. He sleeps in pajama bottoms but no shirts. He has a long winter coat and gloves, and only recently gave up the top hat. His clothing preferences are still very much Victorian--he thinks men and women both dress too flashy and in far too little material.

3. What are their favorite articles of clothing?
His labcoat (it was a gift from Isobel), and he has a winter coat that Domino shot a hole through, which he has had since he was mortal (it was very hard to find clothes, being that he was so unusually tall), and which Rachel repaired with her telekinesis for him. Nathaniel thinks very little about clothing.

4. What colors are the clothes? Is this a wide range? Bright or dull? What are their favorite colors to wear?
Somber, dark colors. He refuses to wear anything purple ever again. He tends towards black, dark blue, grey, and, very occasionally, red.

5. Are their clothes bright or dull?
Dull, for the most part. He does not like loud or flashy things.

6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive?
Expensive, but not because of anything other than he's exceptionally tall and likes fine, well-fitted garments. Those things he wears casually are usually not expensive at all.

7. What is one of his favorite items to wear?
His labcoat. Nathaniel would not really have any other answer to this question; clothing is something he rarely considers as anything other than a necessity.

8. Do his clothes fit well?
Exceptionally well.

9. Is he comfortable in what he wears? Does he "fight" his clothes?
Comfortable; he wears a suit or a tuxedo very well, given that he's been wearing similar garments for nearly two centuries.

10. Is he confident about the way he dresses, or uneasy?
Nathaniel is usually confident about everything.

11. Does he care for his clothes? Keep them up and neat? Is he worried about how they look?
He keeps them neat, has them dry-cleaned, and has them organized in his closet.

12. Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character?
The labcoat is not strictly necessary, but he is technically a doctor and feels it is. His clothes are very him; elegant, a bit chill, formal.

13. Does he dress according to a self image of himself? Is that self image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self image made?
After leaving Apocalypse's service, Nathaniel was very conscious of having to make his own clothing choices. He deliberately chose to dress in a formal, very restricted manner. Nathaniel has always been this way, and it is partly him and partly his upbringing in Victorian England.

14. What kind of underwear does he wear?

The Character's Voice

1. Does he speak in a high or low pitch voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?
A low-pitched voice. It goes up only a bit when he shouts, which is incredibly rare.

2. Is he a loud or soft talker?
Nathaniel's voice is very quiet, for the most part. Heavy and low .

3. Is this a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?
His voice is consistent and even.

4. Is this good resonance to the voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, nasal?
He has as very good voice, deep and rich. Nathaniel actually projects very well and is always easily heard, despite speaking very calmly and evenly.

5. Is this tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion?
Going so long without emotions (and never being a terribly warm man) means it is difficult to ascertain anything from his voice. This has changed in recent months, and he has been making careful notes about what emotions he can now hear in his voice. To most people, they would not notice this, and would think he was humorless and cold.

6. Is this an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing?
Nathaniel has an interesting accent. He is definitely easily recognizable as British when he speaks, though until recently he spoke more like a dictionary--he had no phrases, no colorful expressions, nothing but the strictest turn of phrase. Lately, he's begun to adapt some phrases he used as a mortal, which are terribly out of date, though it's rare anyone would hear them. To most people, he sounds very refined, somewhat stuffy, and just a touch antiquated. He rarely uses contractions.

7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural?
Some of his voice is trained, as he has gone a long time with no emotions. Some of his natural phrasing comes from the time period in which he grew up.

8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"?
Nathaniel thinks a very long time before he speaks, usually. He speaks well because he considers himself educated and refined, and would not wish to give anyone the impression he was not.

9. Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble? Is he distinct?
He is very distinct, and speaks very clearly.

10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing?
Nathaniel's voice is comforting to those who seek reassurance from the calm and logical. To those who do not like it, they would probably find it very irritating. However, because he spent so much time working with children, Nathaniel can speak very soothingly and almost sweetly to children (or anyone else), but it is a disturbing voice indeed.

11. Is he self-conscious when he speaks to others? How large a group could he speak to before he became self-conscious?
Nathaniel is rarely ever self-conscious, and could address the universe without a single hesitation.

The Character's Mind

1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?
Nathaniel is incredibly intelligent, and was before Apocalypse found him. He theorizes he might have actually been a natural-born mutant with his high level of intelligence as his mutation. Nathaniel can recognize patterns and connections quicker than most people, even before he was genetically altered. He has an uncanny ability to see two steps beyond the present. He can finish a jigsaw puzzle in seconds and finds most word games a waste of time. He's also somewhat creative, which is something most people do not know. Nathaniel sees possibilities and has a lot of patience.

2. Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?
Both. He is capable of thinking through complexities for days, and also in making quick decisions.

3. What kind of education has he had?
Nathaniel was educated at Eton and Oxford, and spent time in the Royal Navy. The rest of his education has been self-study.

4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?
Genetics, science, technology (while somewhat confused by the Internet, most modern technology has never given him a pause except for the DVD player), astronomy, chemistry, surgery, medicine, psychology, sociology, anatomy.

5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?
Nathaniel is deliberate and very logical and rational. Even now having emotions, he rarely acts upon them.

6. Does he think out things before he speaks or can he "think on his feet" as he is speaking?
He thinks things out, though he is capable of altering his speech to fit a changing interaction.

7. Does he have contemplative times? What does he think about when alone?
Nathaniel usually thinks about science, his research, and whatever problem he is working on at the moment. When he is alone, his thoughts often vacillate between that and other things. He knew he was taken with Rachel when he would think about her often.

8. Is he an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea man? An action man?
In some ways, he is all of these things. He's also somewhat of an optimist (though he would never believe it), as he generally believes that science and knowledge will cure the world of its ills. He mostly pragmatic and realistic, and has very little conscience, even now. Nathaniel is capable of taking care of things himself, but again, will delegate things he perceives as beneath him to others so that he can focus on the "important details."

9. Is his life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?
Mostly abstract ideals, but also, how to put those into practice. He finds practical rewards in his knowledge and discovery, so a bit of both.

The Character's Emotions and Personality

1. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Introverted, but not precisely shy.

2. Does he get along well with people? Does he have charm? Are people attracted to his? Does he like people?
Nathaniel is excruciatingly polite and has impeccable manners. This is somewhat at odds with the monstrous things he's done. He is quiet and somewhat intense. People who don't have an active reason to despise him find something charming in his aloofness, despite how cold he can appear. It has been written in his files, both SHIELD and other agencies, that he has an odd magnetic personality. People are drawn to him despite his frightening appearance and chill mannerisms. Nathaniel isn't actually sure why that is, and he honestly thinks it's some sort of genetic mutation. He does not like most people, but he does not dislike them, precisely. People are subjects, and one does not usually get attached to their subjects.

3. Does he have many friends? Any close friends?
Not many, though he has a few. Rachel, of course, and Isobel. He considers Bea, JP, and Anna friends.

4. Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?
Absolutely and completely cool-headed.

5. Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often?
Narrow, and no. He is uncertain with new emotions and when they first appeared, they shifted wildly and he was quite at their mercy. He has sense gotten ahold of them. Nathaniel is very much like he was as a mortal; reserved, aloof, polite. He has emotions now, but they do not show unless he wishes it or, in rare occasions, cannot help it (usually, emotions revolving around Rachel are more difficult for him to hide).

6. Does he indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often?
Rarely, however, Nathaniel's first emotional response after Apocalypse's alteration was anger. He has vented frustration and anger throughout the years, but any recent emotional outbursts that are not anger/frustration are new to him. They are still relatively rare; Nathaniel deals with things logically and calmly, for the most part, and is not prone to emotional outbreaks.

7. Would you say he is basically sensitive or calloused?
Calloused. Nathaniel believes in a philosophy of "The end justifies the means".

8. Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations?
Cautious, for the most part. Nathaniel is watchful and takes measure of both people and situations, and adapts himself accordingly. He is mildly suspicious, but usually only of people who seem to find him likeable.

9. Is he an aggressive or reactive person? Is he a pusher or a puller?
Nathaniel is aggressive in attaining his goals, and has been known to be both a pusher AND a puller, depending on the situation.

10. Does he take positive or negative action?
Nathaniel believes all his actions are carefully constructed to work towards eventual goals, and he would therefore believe them positive even if he acknowledges the horrendous nature of said actions.

11. In a danger or emergency situation would he go to it or run away from it?
It would depend on the factors involved. If it involves Rachel, he will run towards it without thinking, which Nathaniel considers a personal weakness.

12. Is the character basically nervous or calm?

13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does he appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in unfunny situations? Can he laugh at himself?
Nathaniel does have a sense of humor, it is just not apparent to many. He seems to be amusing to others mostly when he is not trying, based on his rather antiquated personality and modes of speech. He does make jokes, usually situational humor, and they are usually very dry in nature. It is not a common occurrence, however, by any means.

14. Can he tell a funny story or joke? Do others find his amusing?
Not usually, and no.

15. Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion of tricks or jokes played on other people?

16. Is his humor ever cruel?
Never. Nathaniel is too polite to do such a thing.

17. Under what conditions could he be harmful or mean or cruel to another person?
In the interest of science or achieving a goal, however, Nathaniel does not enjoy torture (though he has employed it often) for its own sake, merely as a means to an end. Sexually, Nathaniel is a sadist and is aroused by hurting a willing partner. The key here, however, is willing. This has been true since he was a young man.

18. Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is he capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is he capable or relating to one specific person in a romantic way?
Nathaniel is not a loving person, but when he does fall in love, he does so completely. He has been in love twice before (his wife, Rebecca, and his girlfriend, Faye), though with Faye he was not consciously aware of loving her. He is bound tight and finds love to be something unknowable and illogical. Nathaniel believes, though mostly subconsciously, that he kills women that he loves because they do not really know him, and when they learn the truth of him, they cannot handle it. Rachel knows every single horrible thing he's done and that he may very possibly do more horrible things in the future (or is at least capable), and loves him anyway. He cannot break her, and that is one of the sources of his love for her. He takes care of Rachel and that is one way in which he shows that he loves her. He also resists from engaging in activities that she would find upsetting, not because they are wrong, but because of her. Nathaniel has allowed Rachel to become his conscience, which is the only way he knows to show love. Nathaniel is also very monogamous, as he is capable of focusing his attentions on one thing/person and therefore will never be unfaithful to Rachel.

19. Is he loved by any other people? In what way?
Rachel loves him, romantically. Isobel loves him like a father.

20. Is he romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation?
Yes, with Rachel. They are in love in their own way, which is that they are two broken people who will never be whole, yet somewhere work with each other. Nathaniel finds it to be rewarding, happy, and frustrating in turn. He has just recently been able to say "I love you" to Rachel and not sound angry.

The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence

1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for his?
Yes, he is very wealthy. The only respect Nathaniel wants is from the scientific community, who continue to shun him because of his rather immoral methodology. Lately, however, his work with SHIELD has brought him some attention and even lecture opportunities; Nathaniel finds this rewarding, even if he remains continually frustrated by his inability to set up experiments in ways that make sense to him (yet would be appalling to his contemporaries and his employers).

2. Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?
Neither. He gives money to Rachel and Isobel because he believes himself to be the head of the household. He gives money to Beatrice because he has money and knows it makes things easier for others. He does not give to charity, but he is not selfish about anything he owns; too many times, Nathaniel has vanished and left houses or labs, and therefore has no particular attachment to material things.

3. Is the character socially prominent? Is he prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment?
Nathaniel is infamous and notorious. Most people despise him, including his girlfriend's family, and he is more surprised by someone's regard than hatred. Nathaniel is not particularly bothered by his reputation.

4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?
Nathaniel considers himself the head of his household, and a figurehead within SHIELD's genetic research department, but he prefers to work as a scientist and remain apolitical. Despite what others may think, he has never been interested in power. He did remove Apocalypse because Apocalypse was a threat to survival, so he had to be removed.

5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means?
He has, before, been the figurehead of the Marauders and groups whom he has formed to do certain tasks for him. He used whatever means were necessary; torture, bribery, offers of power or abilities. Nathaniel is shrewd and has a good gasp of people and their motivations, and does not hesitate to use this to his advantage.

6. Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?
Both. Nathaniel is incredibly manipulative and can affect a very commanding presence when necessary.

7. How does he get his wishes daily?
Most of what he wants, he gets himself.

8. To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?
Following his tenure as a warrior of Apocalypse, Nathaniel has sworn to be no one's slave again. He does what he wishes and works on those things that interest him, and while he may be interested in partnerships or working with someone else for a bit, he will never again willingly give his service to anyone.

The Character's Activities

1. How does the character spend his time?
Scientific research, mostly. Nathaniel also enjoys reading, both fiction and non-fiction, and enjoys horror movies. He also plays the piano for relaxation.

2. What does his daily routine consist of?
Nathaniel does not sleep for longer than two hours because of his healing factor and Apocalypse's conditioning. He usually has tea and heads to the lab several hours before Isobel joins him. Often, they break for lunch (which he will fix), and then return to the lab until dinner. He checks in with Rachel several times a day to ascertain that she is well, both times she knows about and times she doesn't. In the evenings, he plays the piano while Rachel does her homework, and often they watch a movie. He retires with her until she is asleep, and then generally reads or does more work until he returns to bed to sleep for a few hours .

3. What is his profession or work?
Geneticist, doctor.

4. What things does he really like to do?
Play the piano, read, research and have sex. Nathaniel is very, very physically attracted to Rachel and is often surprised at how often he wishes to have sex with her. He actually refrains from initiating it as often as he would, considering their particular brand of sex and the fact Rachel has no healing factor. Nathaniel also likes to cook, though he might not actually admit that.

5. What things does he hate to do?
Anything regarding paperwork, meetings, speaking on the phone, dealing with bureaucrats, things he would consider a waste of time. Nathaniel does not make small talk, so he finds social situations for work dreadful. Interacting with Rachel's family.

6. What are his leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation?
Playing the piano, which he did as a young man and then abandoned while working for Apocalypse, although he did play occasionally. Nathaniel plays certain pieces, which knows from memory (he can also play anything after hearing it once--music is just patterns, at which he is adept), and for certain people. Brahams is for Isobel (Brahams was also for his son, Adam, though Nathaniel may not realize this connection), Chopin is for Rachel. Nathaniel prefers to play Liszt or Rachmaninoff. He also enjoys reading, mainly scientific non-fiction but also horror (he prefers Victorian horror to modern, though he did enjoy The Stand because of the science basis), and finishes books very quickly, usually under an hour or two. His favorite television program at the moment is Dexter (he feels a kinship with the main character; a bad man with his impulses in check because of love), and he likes documentaries and any sort of horror movie, even bad ones. He also enjoys Ghost Hunters because it blends science and ghosts, with which he is fascinated (he has never seen one). He tolerates most of the movies Isobel and Rachel enjoy. Sex, of course, which is his favorite way to relax. It just occurred to him recently that he gets something similar from his consensually violent encounters with Rachel that she does.

7. Does he play games? What kind?
Nathaniel likes games of skill like chess, and occasionally plays mah jahng while online while waiting on a conference call. He can play cards but no one wants to play with him because he is telepathic. Occasionally he plays Scrabble or Battleship with Isobel.

8. Does he like to eat or drink? How important to his are food and drink?
Nathaniel spent many years being starved as conditioning, and until recently, did not focus on food or drink at all. He likes tea, but it was more of a habit than anything. Like Rachel, he has recently begun to notice the taste of food, and clearly identify things he enjoys eating. Also like Rachel, Nathaniel likes spicy food, and is partial to Thai.

9. How important is sex to his? What sexual activities does he partake in? Anything unusual?
Nathaniel likes sex very much, though when he was younger he was concerned about his sadistic impulses and did not turn his wife for fulfillment in that arena. He visited prostitutes and paid for the privilege, and after Apocalypse's alterations, spent a long time without any physical intimacy. He would, on occasion, use his skills at manipulation and psychic abilities to alter himself into a perfect mate for a woman for an evening of sex. He did not attempt to do anything sadistic or cruel to these women in bed, save a few times when he could read that the woman wanted it a bit rough. Faye was the first woman to whom he was genuinely attracted following Apocalypse's modifications. It was, he realizes now, her vibrancy and life he found attractive, and she was not at all interested in the sort of sex he preferred--physically, that was. Faye was his prisoner and yet they were continuing their sexual relationship, which had something to do with mental cruelty and things that he has not really examined. He feels as much guilt as he is capable over Faye, and oddly, their strange sexual encounters do not give him pause in the slightest.

With Rachel, Nathaniel knew she wanted to be hurt from their very first interaction. He could not stop thinking about it. With Rachel, they have very violent, consensual BDSM sex. Their foreplay consists of him whipping her, often with his belt, and there is usually a fair bit of slapping, biting, and struggling. Nathaniel likes Rachel to fight and then give up, all the while knowing she would never really do that. He is aroused by the fact she takes what he does and becomes stronger, that she admits she needs it, that she is aroused by his dominance and by pain. They rarely kiss during sex and are not generally affectionate. Afterwards, however, he takes care of her and bandages her wounds, attends to her needs and bathes her. This is him at his gentlest, with her, and often when he will say "I love you" or use endearments. Nathaniel is very relaxed after such interludes.

He's also becoming somewhat more used to affection; in the sense that he will touch Rachel casually, or briefly touch her back.

10. Is his exactitude about sex healthy or disturbing to him? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in his life?
Nathaniel has no issues with his sex life, or his particular taste. He is pleased to have someone who enjoys receiving what he enjoys giving. Being quite private and very Victorian, he does not tend to speak often about sex to anyone other than Rachel. Nathaniel knows when Rachel is in a downward spiral of anxiety, and he uses their brand of intimacy to help her through those. He sees nothing wrong this, and feels it is a healthy outlet for them both. Nathaniel has no interest whatsoever in forcing women outside of a mutually-agreed upon context.

The Character's Favorite Things

1. Colors? Black, blue, grey, red.
2. Food? Thai food, and ice cream.
3. Drinks? Nathaniel drinks Earl Grey tea with milk and one teaspoon of sugar. He drinks port occasionally with dinner, and gin only rarely. He has never consumed a soda, but he's grown fond of Iced Tea living in the South.
4. Smells? Nathaniel would have no answer to this question.
5. Time of day? Either very early morning (he likes time to himself, when his household is quite) or early evening.
6. Season of the year? Fall, as much as he notices such things.
7. Books? Horror, or science non-fiction.
8. Kinds of literature? Victorian horror
9. Authors? Robert Louis Stevenson, Henry James, Elizabeth Gaskell, Bram Stoker, MR James, HP Lovecraft
10. Places to visit? Nathaniel is fond of London, and also, somewhat strangely, any place tropical.
11. Kinds of music? Classical
12. Musical Instruments? The piano
13. Composers? Brahams, Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff
14. Metals; gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc.? Silver, to the extent that he would care about such things.
15. Building materials; stone, wood, clay, tile, etc.? Nathaniel likes buildings built of stone.
16. Fabrics; silk, wool, linen, etc.? He likes his wool winter coat.
17. Pieces of furniture? He's much more interested in lab equipment.
18. Plants? He would not have a favorite, just a general interest. Possibly ferns, which are very ancient.
19. Flowers? He has a fond recollection of his wife liking lillies, but that is the extent.
20. Trees? Nathaniel isn't one for noticing trees.
21. Birds? He would say, a Phoenix.
22. Animals? Nathaniel isn't terribly fond of animals, which cannot be reasoned with logically.
23. Miscellaneous? His favorite ice cream is either mint chocolate chip or Rocky Road.
24. Modern Fairytale? Nathaniel is not fond of fairy tales, but he does like mythology.

Character's Religion

1. What are his specific religious beliefs? Does he belong to a specific sect or creed? Does he advocate that group's beliefs?
Nathaniel is an atheist.

2. How important is religion to his?
None whatsoever, though his wife became very religious after their son died and forced him to attend church services. Nathaniel turned to science and his wife turned to God.

3. Is he pious, devout?

4. In what religious activities does he engage? What percentage of his time is devoted to it?

5. How does religion motivate his actions or affect them?
Nathaniel has a vague understanding of why people are religious, but he thinks it is barbaric superstition that impacts the discovery of true knowledge.

Character's Fears

1. What things frighten his?
Something happening to Isobel, Rachel dying. Nathaniel has a somewhat vague fear of death that he would never admit to.

2. Is he motivated by fear?
He is privately working on a way to keep Rachel alive in his spare time so that she won't die and leave him. While he never actually says this to anyone, Nathaniel has always admitted that he accepted Apocalypse's offer because of his grief over Rebecca's death. Unable to cope with the guilt and the fear, in addition to the crushing sense of loss, he gratefully accepted Apocalypse's promise of having no emotions. This was the least carefully thought-out decision he had ever made, but he does not regret making it.

3. To what extent is he motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly?
Nathaniel is constantly motivated by something.

4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?
Losing Rachel to anything other than the natural progression of time (which would be bad enough), Rachel leaving him again, become mentally incapacitated.

5. What would he think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to him?
This would be hard for Nathaniel to answer, but he would likely say it in terms of scientific advancement and being recognized for his work. Isobel receiving praise would also be something he would like. He is pleased when Rachel stands up to her family on her own behalf.

6. What is the one thing he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
The extent to which Rachel serves as his conscience. He fears he could be easily manipulated by this knowledge.

meme, character, ooc

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