[Nathaniel would, in most cases, never actually post this. But he's had a bit of gin, and he's filling it out from curiosity, because he's very curious to see what his answers are, and he doesn't actually mean to hit post. Also, the gin made his answers a bit punchy. He'll blame the gin and be horrified he posted this.]
1. How old were you when you first had sex?
Fifteen, if I recall correctly. A maid in my father's country estate. I do not recall her name, but she was at least twice my age, if not more. She had pillowy bosoms. It was in a coat closet. I do not think I pleased the lady at all. I had little notion of what I was doing. I have become better, mind, I have been alive a long time.
2. How many people have you had sex with?
I have been alive one-hundred and eighty-seven years, dash it all, and have quite lost count. So would you. I am hardly promiscuous, but one's numbers climb when one does not die, you know.
3. How many of them were you in a relationship with?
4. How many of them were you in love with?
Three. Bloody emotions.
[Nathaniel pours more gin]
5. Do your answers match? Are you thinking of the same people for both answers?
Yes, though I did not realize it for one of them until quite recently, when my most recent girlfriend thoughtfully returned my emotions before she left me. Emotions are a bother. A bother, I say!
6. Have you ever had a one night stand?
Yes. As Sinister, I still had the needs of a man, but had no time for relationships of any sort that lasted longer than an evening. The bloody good old days.
7. Do you regret it?
Certainly not. One does not have my certain proclivities in sexual matters in Victorian England, with a very proper wife, and regret the time or money one spends indulging them on women well-paid for such assignations.
8. Have you ever had sex with someone who's name you didn't know?
A great many of them were named "Lilly" or "Ophelia", names of which I am quite dubious, so possibly I did not know their Christian names. After my transformation, I always knew their names, because I was telepathic. I just did not care.
9. Do you regret it?
This is a silly question.
10. Have you ever had an affair?
No. Unless one counts the prostitutes. I should like to mention that was a facet of the society in which I lived as a mortal man, and was expected of me. I never had a mistress, as did many men. Women confuse me, why the bloody hell would I want more than one at a time?
[Here, Nathaniel drinks more gin]
11. Do you regret it?
12. Have you ever been the other woman/man?
Not to my knowledge.
13. Do you regret it?
Bloody quiz.
14. Have you ever been a part of a threesome? Orgy?
Yes, once, in Saigon when I was in the Navy. Bloody Navy. I despise ships, do you know that? I spent my first night at sea heaving over the side and cursing my bloody father for buying me a bloody commission to the royal navy. There was nothing royal about it, I assure you. My first night on Apocalypse's ship in space, I was gratified that there were no rails to heave over, as Holocaust would have probably tossed me off of it for a grand laugh. He was a right bastard, that one. Pestilence and I used to snicker over how Apocalypse convinced a woman to go to bed with him, and when you look as I do and are making these quips with a woman named "Pestilence", you might have a bit of a clue how horrid the idea of bedding Apocalypse--
[Nathaniel drinks more gin, out of the bottle]
What was this bloody question? Have I had relations with two women at once? Yes, and it was very confusing, though rather titillating. Mind, I would have been scandalized if I had not been dead drunk.
15. Would you ever "switch partners" with your best friend for just one night?
I do not want to have sex with Mystique. No offence, Miss Darkholme. Nor would I wish to sleep with young Mr. Drake, as I am not inclined towards liking men.
I am quite certain those are the only two friends I have, Isobel and Beatrice.
16. Have you ever imagined you were with someone else when you were having sex?
Not in recent memory.
17. Is there someone you want to have sex with but haven't?
No, but there is someone I bloody well would like to, but she decided to leave me, so I suspect I shall be sleeping on my lonesome for the foreseeable future.
18. Do you think it will ever happen?
Bloody Isobel assures me it shall, but I am disinclined to believe her.
19. Does that person know? Would you tell him/her?
Oh, she knows.