OOC: Fanmix!

May 14, 2007 09:33

So, I made a fanmix for my boy. I've made a Sinister/Rachel fanmix before I discovered TM (or, rather, before I had a Rachel for Sinister to seduce, ::g::) but this is just for Sinister. It's not based on Theatrical_Muse Sinister in RP canon, but it's very much how I see him.

Anyway! Songs, Lyrics, Graphics below the cut. Link to fanmix download is included at the end, along with album art. Enjoy!

as heaven is wide//garbage
Take it back I dare you take it back/No you can't? You should have thought of that.

Sinister has a long history of hating Apocalypse, and seeking to destroy the man who transformed him from Essex into Sinister. I like this song because to me there's an implicit sense of obligation beneath the hate and obvious disgust.

awakening//the damning well
I walk alone in the garden of stones/I turn into the monster within/Life is too long for me/Life is too wrong for me.

Apocalypse made Sinister immortal and soulless. I love the image of a monster prowling around, some shadowy other, with eons stretched ahead of him.

be prepared//disney's lion king, performed by jeremy irons
So prepare for the coup of the century/Be prepared for the murkiest scam/Meticulous planning/Tenacity spanning/Decades of denial/Is simply why I'll/Be king undisputed/Respected, saluted/And seen for the wonder I am....

Okay, I couldn't resist this one. Sinister, in my head, talks just like Jeremy Irons. Hey, it's all about scheming to overthrow the person in charge, and using lackeys to do all the work. That's Sinister modus operandi right there! Come on, the Mauraders could be hyenas. The Nasty Boys? It works, I tell you!

bloodletting/concrete blonde
I got the ways and means/To New Orleans I'm going/Down by the river
Where it's warm and green/I'm gonna have drink/and walk around/I got a lot to think about oh yeah

I love this song, because I see it as a very post-Apocalypse (hee) theme for Sinister. Free of his obligations to his hated master, Sinister has a lot of time and resources to do just about whatever he wants. And that means some very bad things are happening. Plus, the mention of New Orleans reminded me of Gambit, and of course, Sinister has quite a history with the Cajun thief.

bodies//drowning pool (vienna xxx mix)
Let the bodies hit the floor/Push me again/This is the end/Skin against skin blood and bone

This song is a bit too much, a bit overdone, and perfect for a villain with glowing red eyes and a diamond on his forehead. Also, Sinister tends to let others do his dirty work and disregards the consequences of his actions completely. And he used a lot bodies in his experimentations in Victorian England.

Surrender- it's just one twist/I will surrender- my aching wrist
I can't remember- it's never enough/I will surrender- it's never enough

I like this song because it is very evocative of the time when Nathaniel Essex decided to take Apocalypse up on his offer. Essex's attempts to find out what had killed his firstborn son led him to do unspeakable things, and when his wife found out, she died from the horror of it while pregnant with their second baby. The last word she said was Sinister, and Essex took the name to remember her. I love the idea that a surfeit of emotion made him decide to join Apocalypse and give up his emotions as a reaction to what happened. It makes everything so much more interesting!

getting away with murder
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness/I need to calculate/what creates my own madness
and I'm addicted to your punishment/and you're the master/and I am craving this disaster.

Another good Sinister-with-Apocalypse song. I also like the chorus about getting away with murder, since Sinister functions very much above the law and does whatever it takes. I think this is a pretty good supervillain song!

mordred's lullaby//heather dale
I'll shape your belief/And you'll always know that your father's a thief/And you won't understand the cause of your grief/But you'll always follow the voices beneath.../Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Loyalty Only to me...

This is my Sinister and Madelyn Pryor song. This song is a very chilling little lullaby about familial duty and vengeance. Sinister cloned Jean Grey so that Cable could be born and destroy Apocalypse. In the song, Morgaine Le Fey sings to Mordred about his duty to her, to grow up and destroy Arthur. This song is beautiful and chilling and perfect.

more human than human//white zombie
Yeah, I am the jigsaw man/I turn the world around with a skeleton hand.

This is a great Mr. Sinister song! It's the title of the fanmix because Sinister isn't, actually, a mutant. He's a genetically enhanced human who plays with the lives of others like chess pieces, even himself. He has a lot of powers that he has refined and added to over the years, and he's of course done the same thing to others. This is also the title track for the mix.

paint it black//rolling stones cover by vanessa carlton
I see a red door and I want it painted black/No colors anymore I want them to turn black/I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes/I have to turn my head until my darkness goes/I see a line of cars and they're all painted black/With flowers and my love both never to come back.

This is a pop cover of the Stones original, which is about a man who's desperate to make his surroundings match his mood. I like that this is a woman singing this song, I though it was a nice contrast. It's not a terribly intense version, but that's why I liked it. Sinister's emotionless, so there was something sort of attractive about the rather chipper tone of this particular cover.

pretty when you cry//vast
if you knew how much I love you, you would run away/but when I treat you bad it always makes you want to stay/I didn't want to hurt you baby/i didn't want to hurt you baby/how can you do this to me now?

In the 1930's Sinister fell in love with a woman named Faye Livingstone. He denied her ever having meant anything to him other than a potential carrier for the mutant gene. He imprisoned her and forced her to see him how he was, but she never stopped loving him. She died in his arms in a nursing home, after having shared a telepathic dance with him. Despite this, Sinister refused to admit having had feelings for her. I love this song as a theme for them; very doomed and pretty and a little sinister. This is really a great song for my rather random Sinister/Rachel Grey pairing, which of course has no canon background, and perhaps also for Nathaniel Essex and his poor wife Rebecca, too.

red right hand//nick cave
You're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan/designed and directed by his red right hand.

This is a prefect Mr. Sinister song! I've loved this song for years, and it was actually the first one I put on the mix. I think the imagery of a shadowy figure, directing things and people like pieces on a chessboard, is absolutely spot-on for Sinister. The rich darkness of this song and all the mentions of the color red is just perfect! Nick Cave is my most favorite singer in the whole world, so I was happy to be able to put a song of his on here :)

shadow//burden brothers
And I will be the shadow at your side/You know I got to find out/Just what you're made of

This is my Sinister and the Summers family theme song! It's a creepy little song about an obsessive stalker. Given Sinister's history with the Summers family and his obsession with their bloodline, I think this fits perfectly.

theme for a jackal//misfits
All thoughts are in place/All deeds are complete/Play, theme for a jackal play

Misfits songs always remind me of B horror movies, and Sinister is an old-school Marvel villain who fits that mold very well. This song is--well, sinister--but also kind of absurdly catchy. He's a red-eyed Victorian mad scientist named Mr. Sinister. If that's not B-Movie Horror, I don't know what is! I also have random backstory for Sinister (that I completely created out of nowhere) that he had a younger sister who drowned, so when I remembered the lyric about dead daughter in the river, I knew I had to put this one on here.

violin concerto no. 1 in d major: adagio//paganini
Paganini is the ultimate "Satanic violinist", madly playing the violin as if he's Nero and Rome is burning behind him. In my personal fanon, Sinister plays the piano, but I liked the idea of having a nice manic, sort of frightening string piece on here. However, I also wanted there to be deceptive politeness--Sinister has very good manners, of course--that gives a sense of his ability to be chillingly polite when necessary. I think this piece illustrates all of those things well.

would?//alice in chains
Know me broken by my master/teach thee on child of love hereafter/Into the flood again
same old trip it was back then/so i made a big mistake/try to see it once my way

One thing I love about Sinister is that he's really got a reason behind all of the horrible stuff he's done that is not, when you think about, inherently bad. He's a very ends justifies the means kind of evil, which is really horrible but also makes him, at least to me, very interesting. Destroying Apocalypse was a good idea. Manipulating and torturing the entire Summers family to see that it was done? Not so much. Trying to find out the disease that killed your son so it doesn't happen to your soon-to-be-born child? Great plan. Experimenting on your dead son's corpse? Not so much, again. I imagine Sinister thinks he's very misunderstood. So I think this is a good song to illustrate that. And it's sexy as all hell. And yes, I have a bit of a crush on my Victorian baddie. I can't help it. If you know me at all, you're not surprised :)

Anyway, that's the fanmix! I could probably upload an individual song if you ask me nicely! I hope you enjoy!!

Download Links


Fanmix: Megaupload

Fanmix: Sendspace


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