Meme: Ten Things to Ten People

Mar 27, 2007 20:55

Ten Things to Ten People

1. I believe we may have similar scientific interests, and should perhaps meet one day to discuss them. I suspect I would not make you very nervous--or, more correctly, any more nervous than you already are. I think perhaps you have no idea who I am, really. I find that...oddly refreshing, to be quite honest.

2. I admit quite readily that I never had any thought for your use beyond the specific purpose for which you were bred. I am quite content to let you be and live your life--what use have I for you, now, unless our adversary is to return? It is only that you are so very easy to annoy, and I cannot quite seem to help myself.

3. I imagine you do not want to know this, and that it will come as no pleasure to you if ever you are to find out, but you are the sole inheritor of all of my substantial wealth. In fact, if you were to walk into a certain solicitor's office in London, you would be a wealthy young woman even now, thanks to a trust I have established in your name. I do not do this out of affection, but obligation. I think that is all you would accept, if you would accept anything from me at all.

4. I remember watching as you walked out of the door, into the blinding snow, so thick I could barely see the road from the house. Whenever I feel the sting of snow on my face in the winter, I think of you. I wonder if you realise now why it was I made you go.

5. I am fairly certain if you had lived, if you had been healthy and strong, I would be long dead.

6. You may kill me yet, one day. I suspect you think I have no clear understanding of your hatred towards me. I have seen it described as irrational. It is not irrational. I know you are disinclined to believe anything I say, but I know why you hate me, and your reasons are well justified. I imagine that if anyone were to find a way to kill me, it shall be you. That does not mean I intend to let you try, however. I have a frightfully strong sense of self-preservation.

7. It is my most fervent wish that you remain, drifting, until the universe goes dark. If you ever come back, I shall kill you. Again. And I shall enjoy every bloody moment of it. You always underestimated me, and I imagine if you were to come back, you would continue to do so. Bloody idiot. I should also like to tie you to something, and whip you until your spine broke. As I recall, that was your favourite punishment to inflict upon me for daring to contradict your bloody awful grasp on things such as science and physics. Yes, well, which one of us still lives? You may have been the first, but you shall not be the last.

8. I should not find you as tolerable as I do. I think you are starting to forget who I am. I am not entirely sure I am all that distressed by the prospect. A few less morals, and you may have some promise yet. (Kidding, only kidding). I daresay I am not going to help you land any prestigious job offers when our tenure together is through, but if I can ever be of assistance in your future career, you have only to ask. You are one of two people who have earned eternal amnesty, from me. Do endeavour not to change my mind.

9. If I were a better man, I would tell you both I was sorry. But I shan't say that, because I do not mean it. Time gives a perspective that immediacy denies. It is a chilling lesson, but one I have learned all the same.

10. I have stared at this blank space for an hour. I have written things that are amusing, affectionate, confused and angry. I ponder how you will react to each, how you shall feel upon reading it. And in an effort not to upset you unduly, I have erased them all. I think this, of all the things I could say to you, is perhaps the most telling of all.


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